Ch. 29 - Shinsou

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We ended up taking Izuku to the hospital, just in case, and it's a good thing we did. Though he kept saying he was fine, his ankle was swollen and purple because of a break, he also has a concusion. With healing, he was left with a cast for three days, which means it would be Saturday, Sunday, and Monday of him with the cast. Papa ended up calling the school and with my help names were given and these kids were in some deep shit. This weekend was spent cheering up Izuku, trying to make him happy after Tulip was ripped and he was put in a cast. I managed to sew her up no problem and after a good wash she was good as new, this made him happy, but what really made him happy was Papa went out and brought Izuku a Switch Lite, specifically the yellow one. With the switch, he got him Pokémon Shield and Animal Crossing, two games that just seemed up his alley. Izuku was excited to play Pokémon with me, I didnt have Animal Crossing, but Izuku had a blast with that one. Izuku was addicted to the Switch, playing and exploring each world. He tried to explain Animal Crossing to me, but I was lost. Personally I have to play a game to understand it. The cherry on top of everything was I managed to get a nickname from Izuku. He dubbed me "'Toshi" because he found it cute, it reminded him of Yoshi, his favorite Mario Cart character. He spent the weekend on the couch, snuggling up to Tulip and playing on his switch only stopping to eat or use the bathroom. He was addicted, which was reasonable. At first he found it hard to believe it was his since he's never had an electronic device which was his and only his. Besides the switch, Dad got him a phone, mostly to contact one of us if anything was going on or he needed help etc. Etc. He was spoiled this weekend, but he deserved it. Even though we found out he was older than me, I still viewed him as a little brother.

It was Monday Morning and Izuku and I left early because of his walk on crutches. We ended up getting to school on time, thank goodness, and made it to class. Izuku and I sat down at our desks and nerded out about Pokémon, he was telling me all about his team, which mostly consisted of cute pokémon, no surprise, but wait until they evolve. His started was, again no surprise, scorbunny, and he named it Tulip, it was even female. Soon his desk was flooded by people asking what happened to him, but I managed to shoo them away, he just seemed uncomfortable. Soon class started and he put his head down like always. It's how he spent class since he's already learned all of it. Lunch came and we ate together in the class room. Papa made us bentos so we didn't have to go to the cafeteria and Izuku seemed to enjoy it. After school Papa picked us up to take Izuku to the hospital to get his cast removed. Once it was gone we waited for Dad to come home to go out to eat. We went to a place known for Katsudon, since we learned Izuku lives Katsudon, and got some Icecream on the way home.

"So Izuku, I was wondering. What did you want to be when you grow up?" Papa asks. Isuku sits still thinking.

"I'm not sure, maybe a police officer. I wanted to be a hero, but I can't without a quirk."

"Who said that?" Dad asks. Izuku sits in silence before very quietly going,

"All Might." It was so quiet we barely could hear it.

"You met All Might?" I ask him.


"When did you meet him?!" I ask excitingly. Who didn't love All Might?

"The... the day I met Mr. Aizawa again." Dad's face dropped as he realized something.

"Izuku is what... what made you do it?" I also came to the same realization Dad did and so did Papa. Izuku stopped walking and stood shyly.

"Maybe," he said quietly. We decided to move to the side on a bench.

"Izuku what happened?" Dad asks. Izuku explains what happened through sobs. The attack his question, everything. Papa had tears in his eyes, Dad looked pissed and I was pretty pissed myself. Who would tell a child what he did? "Well then, guess we'll have to prove him wrong," Dad said. "If its alright with you two, I'd like to train you two," Dad offered. Izuku looked up with a gleam in his eyes, I was also excited. I hop up.

"Really! Do you mean it?" I ask like an excited child. Dad nods.

"I'd like to take up that option," Izuku says.

"Perfect," Dad says with his shit eating grin.

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