Ch. 11 - Izuku

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Izuku's foster family didn't vist to Izuku's delight. Instead, either Mic or Eraser would spend an hour or two with him over the week, but Izuku still wouldn't eat or sleep. He wouldn't talk to anyone who wasn't Eraser or Mic and barely acknowledge that the nurses or doctors were there.

Anytime a doctor or nurse would try to touch him to put in an IV or food bag, he'd freak out and would have to be put to sleep.

While there, Izuku was only getting worse. The doctors had to admit that there were severe mental problems, so they set up an appointment with a psychologist.

Try as the psychologist did, she couldn't get him to talk. Everyday, they would try to have her talk to him, but he would never answer.

With the information given, she could only make assumptions of his mental state and prescribe medicine, but pills aren't always enough.

Yes, Izuku took the medicine, but nothing changed. His actions were all the same. So they changed prescriptions, they added some, changed doses, but nothing worked.

They talked to Izuku's foster parents and had big useful information out of that phone call. They tried to have Izuku's foster parents come talk to him, so they did.


"Izuku! You have visitors!" The nurse called.

I looked over to the door, visitors ment more then one, which ment Eraserhead and Present Mic where here. Then, they walked in.

The psychologist and my two foster parents. Mr. Hiroshina, a round man with and equally round face. He reminded everyone of Santa Claus, but really, he was a Santa Claws. Mrs. Hiroshina was thin as a stick. Her face riddled of plastic surgeries and makeup. My face immediately dropped. I grabbed Tulip, my bunny, and backed up into the far corner of my bed.

Mrs. Hiroshina came rushing over to me and pulled me into a hug. She sobbed over me. "Izuku, baby, I'm so sorry! Why aren't you getting any better! We miss you and want you to come home!"

I just started to shake. I couldn't cry in front of them, once the nurse left, I knew I would be screwed. I curled into a ball almost protecting Tulip as I shook. I wanted her to stop touching me. I felt trapped. When would she let me go? I couldn't breath. I can't breath. Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. Stop it. Stop everything.

She finally let go of me. "Izuku, baby, what wrong. Look at me. Nurse? Nurse! What's wrong with my son?!" she demanded.

The phycologist came up to me and squatted down to my level while the nurse pushed the Hiroshina's away from me.

"Izuku, Izuku focus on the bunny. The bunny wants cuddles. Can you cuddle the bunny for me?" the phycologist asks.

I can barely hear her. I didn't like it. I don't want to be touched, by them especially. But I try. I give a nod to the phycologist and give Tulip a cuddle. She makes me feel better, she makes me happy.

"I think that you should leave Mr. and Mrs. Hiroshina. I believe today isn't the day for this," spoke the phycologist.

"I don't think so. That's my son! I believe you're doing something to him! He's never done this before."

"Well, right now isnt the time. Before you start a scene I'm going to ask you to leave or we'll have to call security."

With a huff, Mrs. Hiroshina grabbed her husband and stormed out.

"Koga, I'm going to have a talk with Izuku once he calms down, why don't you go and prepare his lunch," the phycologist told the nurse.

"Sure, goodluck. I'll see you in a little Izuku."

I hear the door close and the phycologist come near me. I'm still shaking and trying to breath all while cuddling Tulip. She's a good helper.

We sit in scilence as I try to calm down. I can finally start to breath normally, but I'm still shaking.

"So, what's your bunny's name?"

I look up. "Tulip."

She smiles kindly, "A beautiful name. How do you feel right now? Can I get you anything? Do something?"


"Alright. I hear you play card games a lot. Mind if we play a game?"

I curl out of my ball and sit on my legs with Tulip in my lap. I grab my cards which I keep on a bedside table and hand them to her.

She looked surprised when I handed them to her. "What would you like to play?"

"Do you know how to play speed?"

"No, but I'd love to learn."

So we played. She was a slow learner, but that's okay. Once she got the hang of it, it was pretty fun, I even let her win a few.

"Izuku," she said looking up. She seemed a bit more serious. "What's goin on at home? Even just a little would help because your nurse, Koga, said she's never seen you freak out that much. And if that's how you react to your parents, who are suppose to regularly show you love and affection and they're surprised, well then something's not right."

I hug Tulip. How do I respond. If I tell the truth, then Mr. and Mrs. Hiroshina will be even more mad at me, but if I lie, who knows.

"Izuku, I try not to pressure you to speaking with me, but this is important. If you don't feel safe at home, or you most definetly aren't, I need to know so I can help."


"Imagine all of the other children this family is going to hurt if we don't stop them. Once you leave this family, imagine the next child to get put into their home."


"Alright then, how about we just continue our ga-"

"They hurt me..."

She looks at me in shock.

"They aren't nice to me unless they have to. I... they... they makes me clean, wh... whi... which is f...fine, but i..if.f.f.. I mess... mess up," I start to shake again. Breathing becomes harder, tears blur my vision. I hug Tulip. I knew she wanted cuddles, she always wanted them when I was sad or scared.

"Izuku, you know this isn't normal, right. Why haven't you told anyone before?"

"Be... because I de..deser..serve i.itt."

"Izuku, no. No one ever deserves to be abused, or harmed. Why would you deserve it?"

"Be... cause im... I'm a"

"Because of your quirk?"

I didn't answer, I just sobbed into Tulip. I couldn't speak. I could barely breath and couldn't hear a door open.

"Thank you Izuku. Thank you for talking to me. How about, you and Tulip take a rest." I didn't see her motion to someone, but I did feel a prick in my arm. My body calmed, breathing became easier, but staying away became difficult. I knew what happened, even as my mind became foggy. She didn't care about me, she only cared about her job. She got her information. That's all she needed.

I thought she cared.

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