Ch. 10 - Izuku / Aizawa

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"Izuku, are you hungry? We brought you some food."


"Come on Izuku, you need to eat."


"Please Izuku. You haven't eaten all day."

"Not hungry," replied a small voice.

The nurse in charge of watching me kept begging me to eat. I don't see the point. I'm not hungry. Don't want to eat. I look out the window as the nurse keeps begging me to eat.

Her begging went on for an hour before she finally gave up. With a sigh she spoke. "You're going to have to eat eventually," she said as she slammed the door.

It was my second day in the hospital at about noon. My parent visited the first day I was here. They acted all sad and worried while the nurse was around, but as soon as she left, they changed.

"So you tried to kill yourself. Ha! Can't even do that. Man, you really are a Yowamushi," my "mom" said.

"Dad" walked over and grabbed me by the collar of the hospital gown. He got his round face close to mine. "Next time, be successful," he said with his smoke smelling breath.

He pushed me down onto the bed laughing. Together, they turned around and left giving a happy goodbye just in case anyone was in ear shot.

I continue to look out the window. Outside it was a sunny day, no clouds in sight. Down below was a garden with other patients walking around, talking to one another, or just looking at the plants, some in wheelchairs.

No one bothered to look up at any one of the windows. No one bothered to look up at the roof. Why couldn't that be the case two nights ago.


As we made our way to Izuku's door, there was a nurse "prepping" us for what to expect.

"He's very quiet so don't expect him to talk or even look at you for that matter..."

I didn't really listen to her, if this was his personal nurse, no wonder he was quiet. She talked way to much.

"Alright, we're here. And one last thing, don't let him out. We have to keep the door locked because he likes to run away."

Hizashi looked at her in surprise. I kinda expected that, he didn't want to be here in the first place.

The nurse takes her keys out and opens the door. She walks in first. "Izuku, you have visitors." With that she walks out closing the door.

Izuku turns his head to see who it is. He spots me and lowers his head. I make my way over to his bed and take a seat near the edge.

"Hey Izuku."

"..." No reply, cool.

I sigh as I look out the window. "Nice day, huh?"


"What have you been doing here?"


"Well, I'm going to assume you've done nothing of intrest." He looks up and makes a face saying, 'ya think?'

"That's what I thought, so we brought you a gift."

This seems to have confused Izuku immensely. "Gift?"

Hizashi walks over with a bag, he placed it on Izuku's lap which startled him. He looked at Hizashi in surprise. "Present Mic," he says in almost a wisper.

Hizashi gets down into a crouch. "Yep, that's me, little listener. My name's Yamada Hizashi," he said with his signature smile, in a calm manner. Thank. Goodness.

Izuku cautiously looked at the bag then back at us.

"You can open it," I said.

Izuku looks at the bag. He carefully took out a piece of tissue paper and played it down, flatning it out into a square. And then he did it with another, and then another, and the rest of them. It seemed tedious and it took a long time. Hizashi and I looked at each other as he did it.

Finally, he finished flattening out the tissue paper and pulled out what was inside. The first thing was a giant book of puzzles. He looked at it and his eyes opened wide. He looked up at us with his wides eyes and I chuckled and nodded to say he could continue.

Next, he pulled out a coloring book and colored pencils, he seemed to like this as well. Thirdly, he pulled out a deck of cards. He seemed intrested in this one, but a little confused. Lastly, he pulled out a fluffy, light brown stuffed bunny with large, floppy ears. He examined the bunny before lightly petting it. The act put a small smile on his face.

This act surprised me. I honestly thought he wouldn't have like it, but Hizashi insisted on getting the bunny for him.

Izuku gave the bunny a light squeeze before looking up at us. "Thank you," he said shyly.

I don't think I could explain how I felt. That small smile and those words felt like I was shot through the heart with cuteness and I know Hizashi felt the same. Hizashi smile to bright and gave Izuku a big hug. "No problem little listener!" He squealed.

In the hug, Izuku seemed surprised, confused almost. He started to shake. Hizashi look at Izuku as he started to cry.

"Oh. Oh, I'm sorry little listener. I... I just got excited," Hizashi tried to comfort him while profusely apologize to him.

While he freaked out, I had an idea. "Izuku, why don't you pet the bunny, give it a little squeeze. It looks like the bunny wants a hug."

Izuku looked down as the bunny as he shakily pet the bunny. He became entirely focused on petting the bunny and as he pet the bunny, he calmed down. His breathing became normal and the tears stopped flowing.

Hizashi looked at me in surprise. It worked? I just shrugged and played it off like I knew it would work, but really, it was just a guess.

Once he was calm, Hizashi went back to apologizing. "No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I can't even have a hug without freaking out."

"No, no, no, no, no! It's not your fault your uncomfortable being hugged, I shouldve known an-"

"Just drop it Hizashi," I say. If he went on the kid would just feel worse.

"I have an idea! Izuku, do you know how to play B.S.?"


"Yeah it's a card game! It's pretty darn fun! We play it all the time at home. Why don't we teach you?"

Izuku looked over that where he set the cards down. He grabbed the box and examined it before giving it to Hizashi. "Sure," he said.

And that's what we did for pretty much the rest of visiting hours. We played card games, most of which Izuku won. We play silly poker, poker, blackjack, slapjack, spoons etc. Anytume Izuku lost, it was because Hizashi or I just got extremely lucky.

As the sun was going down, Hizashi and I were teaching him solitaire. He seemed to have got the hang of it pretty fast and was doing majority of it on his own when his nurse came in. "Sorry to bother you all, but visiting hours are over and it's time for Izuku to eat."

Izuku looked sad as we got up. He may be 14, but it was obvious he was still like a kid. Smart, but there was some immaturity there.

"Hey, don't worry little listener," Hizashi said as he jostled Izuku's long hair. "We'll be sure to vist whenever we can." Hizashi held out his pinky, "I pinky promise."

This made Izuku excited. He looked at the pinky with a small smile and interlocked his own pinky. They gave it a small shake.

"Alright! Bye little listener!" Hizashi waved.

"Bye Izuku, see ya later."

Izuku gave a wave.

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