Meet The Freedom Fighters

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Last Time on Sonic Railgun..............

"Sonic!" Said a familiar male voice was heard. Sonic looked to his left to see Tails and Alan runing up to him.

"We were worried about you. We came to check on you after we finished helping everyone evacuate." Said Alan.

"Don't worry. You have nothing to worry about. See? I am perfectly fine." Said Sonic as he reassures them.

"Sis? Who is she?" asked Alan as he points to Tempest.

"She is Tempest the Dolphin. She helped us defeat those robots and helped out Sonic defeating Eggman latest huge robot." Said Mikoto.

"It is nice to meet you two." Said Tempest as she politely greeted Tails and Alan.

"Nice to meet you too." Said Tails and Alan.

"Um.......... Hey guys? That aircraft is coming in for a landing." Said Knuckles as he pointed to the Sky Patrol slowly coming in for a landing.

The Sky Patrol did a 180 degree turn and landed infront of the group. The back of it open up to reveal it is a entrance and a ramp extended to the sandy ground.

"Nice for the save back there. I was pretty sure me and my friends were almost goners for sure." Said a voice coming from the entrance of the Sky Patrol.

Someone begins to walk down the ramp. Tempest knows who it is and she bowed her head to the person in question.

The person in question is another Mobian. It is a female Mobian. The Mobian had the characteristics of a chipmunk. She has dark auburn hair. She has white gloves with Ring-Blades on her hands. She has blue eyes. She wears a closed blue vest with a black crop-top hidden underneath. She has a black skin-tight shorts with white trim. Sally Acorn.

 Sally Acorn

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"Um........ Tempest? Do you know who is she?" asked a confused Alan.

"Sonic and his friends, the person that stands before you is the leader of the Freedom Fighters. Sally Acorn." Said Tempest as she introduced them to Sally Acorn.

"Thank you Tempest. And hello to you all. Why don't we have a nice chat with each other? About your reasons for getting involved in this fight against Eggman?" asked Sally with a professional tone.

"Um....." Said Sonic as he was nervous of answering that question. Mikoto, Alan, Tails and Knuckles were nervous as well.

Sonic, Mikoto, Knuckles and Tempest had to deal to battle Eggman latest robot, his Egg Warrior. Sonic ordered Mikoto and Knuckles to stand back as he and Tempest handle it. Just before Eggman could unleashed some robots onto the city, something damaged his flying aircraft. The Sky Patrol was the one who did it. Sonic used the power of the two Chaos Emeralds to defeat the Egg Warrior. Now the gang is now face to face with the leader of the Freedom Fighters, Sally Acorn. Can they explain to her why they are in this fight against Eggman?

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