Academy City Fate Part One!

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Last Time on Sonic Railgun..........

"Who is really innocent or is not? There are tons of Esper organizations in this city that work with the dark side of this city. People who can't be touch by any law enforcers." Said Esper Killer. "Besides, you just might be like those Espers. You can' control your powers either."

"What are you talking about? I am doing just fine with my speed thank you." Said Sonic.

"Ahh.... but you always afraid right? afraid that even if you lost control of your powers, you might hurt someone. And you will be unable to bear the guilt of what you did and you will be alone forever...." Said Esper Killer.

"N-No...." Said Sonic as he was trying to not let his words get to him.

"Deep down, you know this but you don't want to accept it." Said Esper Killer.

"DO YOU ACCEPT THIS HORN FACE!?" asked a female voice. A large pile of metal beams was tossed at Esper Killer that pinned him up against a building.

Sonic looked behind him to see Mikoto walking to him. "What are you doing here? And how did you get here so quickly?" asked Sonic.

"I asked Kuroko to bring me here. She can teleport herself and anyone else or thing within a certain range. She and any other members of Judgment are helping the citizens evacuate from this district." Said Mikoto.

The metal beams suddenly exploded and Esper Killer walked out of the smoke explosion's. "Ahh... if it isn't the famous third rank Level 5 Esper Mikoto Misaka, also known as Railgun." Said Esper Killer.

"Careful, that guy is the leader of the Anti-Espers." Said Sonic.

"So you are the head honcho of Anti-Esper huh? So why don't you do just the right thing and surrender?" asked Mikoto as her hair bangs begin to spark. "Before you end up as a crispy mess."

"Ahh..... the inexperience. Thinking they can outsmart the more experience ones." Said Esper Killer. "You think one little evacuation in one district is going to make a difference?"

"What are you saying?" Asked Mikoto.

"No where in Academy City is safe right now." Said Esper as he snaps his fingers. Suddenly, in each ever district in Academy City, large explosions where heard everywhere. When the smoke cleared, their was a massive hole in each school district in Academy City.

Their was a sound coming from each hole. what came out of it was a futuristic helicopters.

At the bottom of each helicopters was ropes carrying the futuristic tanks the Anti-Espers have. The moment the tanks touched the streets, the ropes detached and the tanks begin to move through out the streets. As for the helicopters, they were striking at buildings and any people from the air. In just five minutes, their was tons of smoke and destruction happening everywhere in Academy City.

"What have you done!?" asked a angry Mikoto.

"I just started the final phase of my plan. The end of Academy City has begun!" Said Esper Killer as he suddenly begins to float in the air.

"As much as I like to continue our little game, I must be going now. See you latter Sonic and Railgun! HAHAHAHA!!!" Said Esper Killer as he begins to fly away.

Mikoto let out a angry growl as she watched the monster fly away. Sonic looked angry as watched the person responsible for all this destruction in the city.

Sonic encounter Esper Killer for the first time. Sonic realized that Esper Killer plan was to wipe out all Esper of the face of the planet and destroy Academy City. Sonic is struggling to not let Esper Killer words get to him. Mikoto came just in time to get Esper Killer to stop creating doubt in Sonic. Esper Killer as launched his final phase onto Academy City. Will the city make through it or be burned to the ground?

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