Anti-Esper Ambush!

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Last Time On Sonic Railgun........

Sonic casually walks past the soldiers and walks up the girls. He noticed all the bullets that were about to kill them. He change the direction of each bullet downward.

Sonic then went to each solider one at a time and took their spare ammo clips and empty them. Spilling the unused bullets the ground. Sonic then went behind a tree to hide just in time for time to resume normally.

The bullets crashed into the ground, and not hitting any of the girls. When the soldiers noticed this, they try to get a new ammo clip to use for their guns but they saw it was empty. The girls are seeing this and are confused.

"What the heck!? What has happened to our ammo!?" said one of the soldiers.

"I don't know! And how the hell did our bullets missed the target?!" asked another soldier.

"If bullets won't work......... Exo soldiers! Crush them!" Said a third soldier.

The soldiers controlling the Exo suits begin to walk towards the girls. Just before the could attack them, a blue blur crashes into it legs, causing it to fall to the ground.

"What the?" said one of the soldiers.

"What was that?!" Said another soldier.

The blue blur came back and strikes at the remaining Exo suits, knocking them all to the ground. The blue blur begins to circle around each solider and strikes at them, knocking them out cold. The blue blur then begins to pick up each solider and stack them on top of each other in a dog pile. The girls watch this all happening and they watch the blue blur leaving the area.

"Was that............That was the......." Said Mikoto.

"The Blue Blur! I knew the rumors about it was true!" Said Saten with a happy smile.

"It saved me again........ It saved all of us." Said Uiharu.

"But how was it able to do all that? It is scientifically impossible to run that fast." Said Kuroko as the recalls of how fast the blue blur was running at.

"I don't know Kuroko but what we just saw shatters everything we know so far." Said Mikoto.

"But more importantly..... who were these guys that tried to attack us?" asked Saten as she pokes one of the unconscious soldiers.

"I never seen them before. Or this logo........" Said Uiharu as she examines the logo on the soldiers outfits.

From on top of a building, Sonic was watching the girls examine his little handy work with taking out those bad guys. With a smile, he begin to run again, leaving the area without anyone knowing.

Sonic and Alan recall the night the officially talk to each other. It was the night were their lives will be forever changed. Sonic went outside during the night time to have a little run. He spotted Mikoto and her friends getting attack by some strange people. He was able to take them all out without exposing his existence to anyone. Who were those group of people and why did they seem like they were prepared for something?


Alan Apartment.......

"Where is he? He should have been back here a minute ago." Said Alan as he was working on his school work on his computer.

Alan heard the sounds of his balcony doors opening up. He turned to his left to see Sonic entering the room and tossing the green jacket off of him and onto the bed.

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