Miles 'Tails' Prower

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Last Time on Sonic Railgun..........

"No...." Said Esper Killer as a small cracked was formed on his left side.

"No..." Said Esper as a new cracked appeared on his back. Soon, more cracks begin to appear everywhere on his demon body.

"No...! No....! No....! NOOOOOOO!!" Screamed Esper Killer. That was the last words he got to say before his demon body exploded and a blue pillar of light was shot straight into the sky.

The area around the group turn back to normal. Where the demon version Esper Killer was originally is now huge crater.

Tons of lightning was leaked out of it before disappearing. They walk to the edge of the to see Sonic powered down. And beside him was the defeated Esper Killer. His suit mask was damaged, to reveal a bald head and his eyes were white. Signaling that he was knocked out cold.

And that is not all. Across the city, all Anti-Espers soldiers were passed out as well. The city is saved!

Sonic begins to run out of the crater and appears next to the group. "I did it you guys!" Said Sonic with a smile on his face.

"You did." Said Mikoto as she smiles back.

"Thanks." Said Sonic.

"But from now on, don't do something so dangerous like that again." Said Uiharu. She is talking about the crazy stunt Sonic did to defeat Esper Killer.

"True." Said Saten

"You know that I can't promise something like that." Said Sonic.

"So..... what is going to happen to senior former demon down there?" Asked Sonic as he points as the defeated Esper Killer.

"Anti-Skill will take him away and his army into a maximum cell just for them with their names on it." Said Kuroko as she contacts Anti-Skill to arrive here where the defeated Esper Killer is.

"And possibly to make sure that they never try to break out as well." Said Uiharu.

"That is nice to know." Said Saten.

"And that is our cue to leave." Said Alan.

"Yeah." Said Mikoto as the group and Sonic begins to walk away from the scene before Anti-Skill could arrive.

Sonic and Esper Killer had a final showdown. Sonic has learn to control his power and used it in the final battle against Esper Killer. Esper Killer had turned into a demon version of himself. Sonic was able to beat his demon form from the inside. With Esper Killer defeated, the attack on Academy City is no longer happening and the Espers and the city is safe once more.


Unknown Location...........

"Oh no! They are almost on top of me!" Said a male voice as he is running through some plants and bushes to get away from something.

He turned around to see what looks like tons of robots gaining up on him. This person needed to get out of here and fast. He pulled out a small golden ring and tossed it infront of him. 

The golden ring turned into a ring portal that leads somewhere else. Not taking a notice where it open up, the male being jumped into the portal. The robots that were chasing him, they went into the portal as well before the portal closed.


Alan Room..........

It has been about a week now. The city is starting to recover and rebuild every damage that was caused by Anti-Esper. All the Anti-Espers soldiers were rounded up and put into prison. All the equipment, gear and machines that Anti-Espers had? They are all being sent to be scrap heap to be melted down into nothing.

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