The Chemical Plant!

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Last Time on Sonic Railgun..............

"The Master Emerald must have been showing a warning of what will happen if Eggman gets his hands on all the Chaos Emeralds." Said Knuckles.

"And.... there was one last vision. It was hard to see but I saw two figures begin surrounded by the Chaos Emeralds and then they were surrounded by a golden aura and I saw that their eyes have become red colored." Said Mikoto.

"Then we need to go find them before Egghead finds them." Said Sonic.

"Whoa whoa... what's this we business?" asked Knuckles.

"UM.... I mean everyone in this group." Said Sonic.

"Sorry but I can't go. "Said Knuckles.

"Why not?" Asked Sonic.

"I have to stay here and guard the Master Emerald." Said Knuckles as he pointe dour his mission.

Mikoto grabbed him by his back and lifted him up in the air. "Didn't you say that Eggman tricked you to learn about the Chaos Emeralds?" Asked Mikoto.

"Yeah but...." Said Knuckles.

"And isn't this technically your fault that Eggman is going out of his way to find those Chaos Emeralds no matter what it takes?" asked Mikoto.

"Um... Well.... I... I mean.... I guess...." Said Knuckles as he begins to sweat nervously.

"Then you are coming with us Knuckles. Back to the Tornado guys." Said Mikoto as she begins to walk back to the Tornado with carrying Knuckles in her hand.

"No wait! Stop! I have to guard the Master Emerald! Stop! Let me go!" Said Knuckles as he tries to wiggle out of Mikoto grasp but no luck.

"Not gonna happen Knuckles. This is technically your mess and you are going to help us clean up your mess." Said Mikoto.

The others watched Mikoto carrying Knuckles back to the Tornado without any trouble. They can't help but feel a little bit nervous.

"Alan, your sister can be scary sometimes." Said a nervous Tails.

"Trust me Tails..... Sis can get scary if only someone gets on her bad side." Said Alan before they begin to catch up with Mikoto on the way back to the Tornado.

The secret of the Chaos Emeralds was announced to the group. Knuckles also explained of how Eggman knows so much of the Chaos Emeralds. The Master Emerald showed Mikoto a possible outcome of what would happen if Eggman gets his hands on all of the Chaos Emeralds. Mikoto is now dragging Knuckles back to the Tornado to go find the other Chaos Emeralds. Can they find them all and stop Eggman and who were those two shadowy figures in that other vision that Mikoto had?


In the Air..........

"I can't believe you dragged me into this." Said Knuckles with a angry look on his face.

At the moment, everyone was back on the Tornado with a extra member on board. Knuckles was standing on the Tornado wings right next to Mikoto. 

Oh! And if you are wondering where the two Chaos Emeralds they have already, they are safely placed in Sonic quills. Surprising, anything Sonic place in there, they don't fall out easily.

"Hey, this is your fault that Eggman is after those Chaos Emeralds. So you have to clean up your mistake." Said Mikoto.

"She has a point there Knuckles. You have to take responsibility for your actions and have to somehow make right for you mistake of letting Eggman know about the Chaos Emeralds." Said Sonic. 

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