The Blue Blur

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Last Time on Sonic Railgun.........

"Take care of him." Said the owl as it sounded female. She extended her wings to Alan to hand him........ a small hedgehog like being that was sleeping. And she gave Alan a small bag. "And no matter what, please keep him safe. If he is discovered, use the items in that bag and it shall escape somewhere save. "

Before Alan could ask her anything, they heard the sounds of beeping from the other side of the ring. Alan squinted his eyes to make out what looks like robots coming for them.

"Goodbye Sonic...." Said the owl as she dived back into the ring.

"Wait! Don't go! I still got some questions!" Said Alan as he ran after her. Just as he got near the ring, the ring dissolved into nothing. Alan looked at the area where that ring was originally. Alan looked at the sleeping hedgehog in his arms. "Your name is Sonic huh......." Said Alan.

Alan looked up at the stairs in the sky. Seeing them shining brightly as they were trying to tell him something. "I must have been...... given a task by the universe itself....... A purpose for me to carry out......... I will protect this little guy from everyone. And I will make sure no one finds out about him........... even from my family." Said Alan.


A blue blur was runing across the screen. The blue blur being to run fast as it was leaving a trail in its path. The blue blur has created a bunch of letters as it continues to run very fast. Once you see it from a birds eye view, you can see the title of this story.

Sonic Railgun


Academy City......... The most scientific city in the world...........

It has technology, way advance than anywhere else on the planet. Some people say it is the city of the future.

In this city, it is hope to about 80% of people that are espers all wishing to become a Level 5 Esper. The other 20% population are people who don't have Esper powers. They are called Level 0. Those are people who are having a struggle to become a Esper at all and it makes them envious of other Espers.

There are about 23 districts in Academy City that are called School districts. On the surface, it looks like a peaceful place but their are criminals and thugs in the streets of Academy City. And in the darkest parts of Academy City are organizations that beyond of the law enforcements like Anti-Skill or Judgment that be caught.

However, the city is in a world of a surprise. They are about to have encounter with a certain blue blur.


Somewhere in a alleyway of Academy City..........

"AHH!" Said a female voice as she was pushed up against a wall. She has a flower hair band on her head and is wearing the Judgment badge on her sleeve. Kazari Uiharu.

 Kazari Uiharu

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