Egg Warrior!

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Last Time on Sonic Railgun........

"We are on a mission to stop Eggman from getting his hands on some powerful emeralds. We have two already. We will explain more after we stop all of these robots." Said Mikoto as she continues to slash the robots into pieces and free the animals inside of them.

"I see. Now lets reduce these robots to scrap metal!" Said Tempest before charging at more robots to smash.

After a while, they continue battle all the Badniks and freed all the animals inside of them. At the moment, they were kind of out of breath.

"Well.... that takes care of all of those robots..." Said a worn out Tempest.

"I don't think so..... I think.... there might be another one around here somewhere." Said Mikoto.

"And where would that be?" asked Knuckles.

Suddenly, something crashed into the ocean. It created a huge splash that made a wave come to the beach and get everyone soaked. The heroes quickly shake off the water to see something in the water coming to shore. They could see something huge beneath the water as it was heading towards them.

The thing in the water jumped out of the ocean water and landed infront of the heroes. It was a whole kind of new robot. It was three times bigger than them combined. It has a flaming sword in one hand and a massive cannon hand in the other. It had samurai like armor on its legs and arms. Its head resembles a knight helmet with glowing yellow eyes inside of it. On its chest was a circle glass dome.

"OH HOHOHOHOHOHO!" Said an all to familiar evil laugh. The glass dome slowly slide back into the robot to reveal Eggman in his Eggmoblie, controlling the robot.

"Oh come on....... Really? Him?!" said Mikoto.

"Eggman!" Said Sonic.

"Hello Sonic. I am back!" Said Eggman.

"Grr....... what does it take to get away from this guy?" asked Knuckles.

"So........ that is Eggman?" asked Tempest.

"Yep. He is really becoming a real pain in our butts. He is really hard to get rid of." Said Mikoto.

"So why are you here Eggman?" asked Knuckles.

"It is simple my dear Knuckles. To not only turn this lovely city into a station ground for my Eggman Empire but to finally get rid of Sonic and his friends in the process! And I build this robot to specially handle to eliminate you all. This is my newest robot, I call it the Egg Warrior!" Said Eggman.

Everyone got into a defense stance. The huge robot slashes its sword in the air before pointing its cannon arm at the group.

Sonic and his friends came to a populated area. They were hoping to ask the locals if they seen a Chaos Emerald before. But, no such luck. Then out of nowhere, Eggman Badniks begins to attack Station Square. His robots were being powered by small animals. Tempest the Dolphin came to help the heroes fight the robots. Just when they think it was over, Eggman appeared, in his new robot. Can they defeat Eggman and continue their search for the Chaos Emerald?


Unknown Location............

"Citizens are evacuating as they are trying to escape Station Square. About a few minutes ago, reports were that a Eggman ship had appeared over the beach, dropping his robots and destroying everything in sight." Said a female news reporter.

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