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"He's her what?!" Said Dean from the front seat.

Cas sighed, and I was even more confused.

How could I be someone's guardian angel?

"Guardian angels are pretty rare, but they come around every now and then," said Castiel.

"How do you know? Are you sure?" Asked Sam.

"Well, I'm not going to explain everything because I feel that some would be easier if Bexley were here as well. But, for starters, Jack said he felt a strange feeling when he was going to find her at the school, and he knew that she was at the restaurant before we even saw her. Guardian angels can also feel the pain that their beacon, or human does, as long as it is inflicted by others. Jack had just said that it felt like he had been hit in the back of the head when Dean came in."

"And it sounded like Bexley got hit on the phone," said Dean as we pulled into a driveway.

In front of us sat an old, white, house with a wrap-around porch. It didn't look like the type of place that Bexley would live, but then again I had only met her today.

On the other hand, I was also apparently her guardian angel.

We got out of the car, Sam and Dean holding machetes.

"Front door is open," Dean said as we got close to the porch.

Sam and Dean headed in first, Cas and I taking up the lead.

Somehow, I knew Bexley wasn't here. I knew that the vamps had taken her somewhere else.

I carefully headed up the old stairs to the second floor, trying my best not to make the old floor boards creak.

I walked in the first room, looking around, then freezing when I saw a few drops of blood on the shaggy carpet.

"Guys!" I yelled, not moving.

Three sets of footsteps thudded up the stairs, stopping behind me.

"Damn," said Dean.

Sam walked over and picked up a small leather-bound journal, along with a letter.

"This must have been her mom's hunting journal. And this looks like I letter to her explaining everything. Oh- Dean, look," Sam said, passing the letter to Dean.

"John Winchester is your father," said Dean reading from the letter.

"There's a safe. They left everything in here," said Castiel. "Looks like all the basics.

"I'm worried," I said, looking to the blood on the floor.

"That's probably from the blow to the back of her head. I just hope that the vampires were able to control themselves after she started bleeding," Said Sam.

"We need to find her and her mother, fast," I said, a wave of worry for Bexley's safety rolling over me that I didn't even know I had.

"I know, kid. But we have no idea where to start looking," said Dean.

I stood there, staring at a large photo of Bexley and her mom, thinking.

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