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Bexley's POV

"Hello from the other side!" My mom and I screamed, my head killing me.

About half an our ago, I had woken up tied to a metal beam, my mom directly across from me tied to a beam as well.

I had looked around, surveying where we are and what I could use.

Looks like we're in the old sawmill.

When I said the word sawmill, it had echoed in my head, as if it was traveling somewhere. I blamed it on the concussion.

After that, I had quickly discover a screw that was beginning to come loose from the metal beam.

Mom told me that I should see if I could get it out so that I could cut the rope that was hold me in place.

She had explained to me that a group of vampires had grabbed her before she could get to Uncle Dave's for her shift, and that she managed to send the panic code before they knocked her out.

Oddly enough, her saying the word vampire with a serious look on her face didn't make me crack up. Then again, when you've been kidnapped and tied up by them, I guess it makes things a little more realistic.

Mom said that they hadn't returned since they dropped me in here, so then we had to come up with a way to get them in here.

The idea to sing annoyingly at the top of our lungs around creatures who had advanced hearing was by yours truly.

I coughed and winced, a streak of pain shooting through the back of my head.

"Bex, are you okay?" Asked my mom.

I nodded. "Just a little concussion. Nothing I haven't had before. Besides, remember the other day when you said we needed to spend more time together? Well, right now we've got all the time in the world."

Mom chuckled, dirty blonde hair bouncing as she did.

I had inherited her hair color, although you couldn't tell with the mix of blues, red, pink, and grays that I had dyed it with.

"Hate to break it to ya Bex, but this wasn't exactly what I had in mind," she said.

I smiled. "Alright, next annoying song on the list?"

Before mom said anything, she turned her head and  looked to the door, then turned back to me once it was clear.

"How's the screw coming along?" She asked, mouthing the words and being extra careful to make no verbal sounds.

"A few more minutes," I mouthed back.

"Okay, after a moment of thinking, I believe that Staying Alive is the next song we should sing," said  Mom.

I nodded.

"Ahem. Well you c-"

We were abruptly cut off by the rusty metal door slamming open, a familiar face standing there, absolutely pissed.

It was Willow.

"Shut the fuck up for god's sake!" She yelled.

I looked to my mom and back. "Who, us?"

Willow scoffed. "No, the cows that are falling from the sky. Yes, you!"

"Well, there is any easy solution to getting you some peace and quiet. Let us go," said my mom.

Willow chuckled. "That's not going to happen. See, about 19 years ago you and a man named John Winchester killed my maker, my lover. I made sure that I would get my revenge, but then I met Bexley, the dumbass bitch that infuriates me. So, I just might hate someone more than you now, Olivia."

Willow didn't look away from my mom.

"You leave my girl alone. Do whatever you want to me, but don't you pay one of your shitty little fingers on her, you hear me?!" My mom said.

Willow looked over to me. "Actually, I am getting hungry. I told the others that I'd wait until we all could have a bite, as a good leader does, but now I'm having second thoughts. Maybe I'll get a snack from you, then tear out your mother's throat with my fangs and make you watch her die. After all, she is the only family you've ever had, so taking her away from you seems like the perfect punishment for you being the fucking lowlife that you are."

"No!" I yelled, still doing my best to work out the screw.

Willow took a few steps closer, the smiled, two sets of sharp, deadly looking teeth descending from her gums.

"Congratulations you fucking bitch. You get first bite! Don't worry, this will only be the most painful thing you've ever felt in your shitty life," Willow said as she knelt down to my level, forcing my head to the side with one of her hands.

With an unnatural speed, she dove towards my neck, her teeth piercing through my skin.

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