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Art was my escape, my freedom.

High school might as well have been the mysterious tenth level of Dante's Inferno.

I had always been the girl that didn't fit in, but I was fine with that. I wasn't exactly a people person.

But that got me some unwanted attention- and not the good kind.

I had pretty much been bullied and tossed around since second grade, but I never let it show how much it got to me, no matter how big the bruises were or how bad the words hurt.

My mom, bless her soul, had always been there for me. She was the sweetest person I knew, although you don't want to piss her off.

My dad...... well, that's another story.

My mom has never told me who he was or how they met, and he was never around. Whenever I mentioned him, mom would get all dismissive and ignore what I said, which then made me believe in my theory even more- that I was the result of a bad one-night-stand gone wrong.

The other people at school guessed it to, which they then turned it into one of their methods of torture that they used on me.

Did I mention that high school was literal hell?

But I had my escape, the one thing I could always depend on, other than my mother.

Graduation was in a three days, and I was in the senior class. Teachers had nothing else to teach us, which lead classes to pretty much be free time.

A few years ago, the art teacher realized what I could do, and then made sure that got every mural-like project that the school wanted done. My last task was to paint the back wall that they would set up on the graduation stage, and all of my teachers had agreed to just let me stay in the storage room all day and paint since we weren't doing anything in class.

So that led me here- in the large old storage room to the side of the auditorium as I painted the back walls.

I had my earbuds in and the volume all the way up, jamming out to All I Wanted Was You by Paramore. The door to the room was closed, so I let go and sang with the song as I painted.

I wore an old smock that I had found over my clothes, insuring that I wouldn't get paint on them.

I had on a black Fall Out Boy t-shirt, black shorts that went to my mid-thigh and frayed at the edges. Under the shorts I had on fishnet leggings, topped with shiny black combat boots. It was cold in the back room, so I wore a dark grey jacket over my shirt and smock.

The wall I was painting had four pieces. The middle two would have the school logo and would soon be filled with all the signatures of the senior class. The far left piece would have the boys' team mascot- a lion- and the far right would have the girls'- a lioness.

When it got to the really good part of the song, I yelled along with the music since the room was mostly sound proof, as it had once been used as a rehearsal room.

I was oblivious to what was going on around me, which is why when there was a light tap on my shoulder, I just about died.

Hey guys! New book! Sorry if the first chapter was a little weird- there are a lot of details that you need to know, as well as those that just go with the story line. For anyone wondering, the main character's name is Bexley, but she also occasionally go by Elysia ; which is her middle name, or El, Sia, and Bex. Hope you enjoy, and if you already haven't, go check out my other Supernatural stories!

- Astra

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