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"What?" I said, making sure I heard him right.

"I want that too. I want to be with you," Jack said.

I sat up. "So you heard that, huh?"

He nodded.

"Okay. Just to clarify, you like me. You, a fucking nephilim who's probably pretty badass, likes me, a girl from a small town in Maine who paints and works at diner," I said, wondering how the hell he could like me.

Jack sat up, facing me and grabbing one of my hands again. "I think you're a good painter. And you can roller skate. You're a good person, and you're my beacon. I know things between us are different, and I know you feel something too. It's not just attraction, it's the feeling of-"

"Being complete?" I said, finishing the sentence for him.

"Yes," Jack said, looking into my eyes.

...... not going to mention that's I think she's cute....

"You think I'm cute?" I said, smiling a little.

A red blush quickly spread over Jack's cheeks.

"Yes, I do," he said, looking down.

"Well don't be embarrassed about it. I think you're cute too. And soon enough we'll get this telepathy thing down so we can have our own thoughts again, 'kay?" I said.

He smiled. "Okay."

I smiled back, only to yawn, remembering that my few hours of sleep hadn't been that effective.

"Are you still tired? I can go so you can get some more sleep," Jack said, starting to get off the bed, but I continued to hold his hand.

"No, stay. Please. I don't know what I'll do if I have that nightmare again, and you make me feel safe, so my gut's telling me that I won't if you stay. You don't have to. I just would like for you to," I said.

Without any hesitation, Jack got back on the bed and lied down on his back, looking up towards me.

I let go of his hand and scooted over towards him, putting my head on his chest and closing my eyes, listening to his beating heart.

He protectively wrapped an arm around me, and before I knew it, I was out, peaceful sleep taking me in.

After a few hours of good sleep, I woke up, the warm sun making its way through the blinds.

I looked over at Jack. In my sleep, I had moved away from him a little. He also appeared to be asleep, his eyes closed and breathing slow.

Brushing my hair out of my face, I sighed. I was tired of the colors that it was now, especially since they had been in for a while.

Me being me, I decided I was going to bleach it out and dye it back to its some-what original color.

Just as I was about to go and get everything ready to do that, the bed shook lightly, and looked over to Jack.

"Where are you going?" He asked groggily.

I chuckled. "I thought you didn't sleep much. And to answer your question, I'm going to get the stuff ready to dye my hair."

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