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After the funeral, we all went inside.

I went and sat on the couch, pulling my knees up to my chest. I stared blankly at the wall, currently emotionless from the pain.

"Bexley, is ther-" Jack started to say, but I turned my head to look at him and cut him off.

"Sorry Jack. I- I think I just need a few minutes," I said, looking into his blue eyes.

"Oh," he said, a small pout on his face as he began to walk away.

I reached out and grabbed his hand before he could get to far.

"Stay. I didn't say I needed to be alone."

He nodded and sat himself next to me, close enough that I could feel the warmth coming off him.

I don't know if it was because he was my supposed guardian angel or if it was because he's just a good person, but there was something about Jack. Something about just being around him, being in his embrace.

It felt... right. It felt like I belonged.

Without even trying, this angel boy managed to fill some of the holes in my heart.

I wasn't sure how the relationship between a guardian angel and a beacon worked, but for some reason, part of me knew that we were going to be different.

Part of me knew that we were going to be... more.

My heart, despite my insistence for it not to, always skipped a beat when he was around.

Hell, I'm pretty sure it had when I first met him.

It was definite now, I liked Jack.

And There was no denying that I was okay with that.

After realizing that I had gotten caught up in my thoughts, I looked over at Jack.

"Thank you," I said.

"Huh? For what?" He asked, confused.

"For everything. I mean, yes, I'm thanking Cas, Dean, and Sam as well, but especially you. You've shown me kindness from the moment we met. You didn't push me away when I held onto after mom died. Back there, at the pyre, you held me. And right now, you stayed. You didn't have to do any of that, but you did," I said.

"Why wouldn't I have? You're one of the only other people outside my family who really know about me. And you don't even care that my father is who he is. You didn't hesitate to not let that change how you think of me. Bexley," Jack paused, looking at me.

I could tell he was trying to find the right words.

"There's this... feeling I've never get before. I can't fully describe it. But it's about you, for you. It's kinda like my whole body needs to know that you're okay at all times," he said.

"That would be part of of your guardian senses," said Castiel from the doorway.

He was about to say something else, but Dean walked in.

"Hold on Cas, we all need to know everything we can about Bexley and Jack. But it's late, and we probably need to get back to hotel and grab some food," he said.

I looked at the clock on the wall, then to the window.

"Holy shit," I said.

It was two-thirty in the morning, and was pitch black.

How I hadn't noticed that before, I wasn't sure.

But then again, I had been occupied by more important matters.

"You guys can stay here if you want. We have two spare bedrooms, and there's a pullout couch in the basement. And this couch," I said.

Sam walked in, overhearing. "Bexley, are you sure?"

"Yeah. Like I said there's plenty of room. And... I don't think I could handle to he alone right now. That, and this is free. And you'd get home cooked meals."

The three old men looked at each other, having some sort of conversation without words.

"Okay, we'll stay," said Dean. "Guess one of the upsides of always being packed and having all our shit in the trunk is that we don't have to go back to the motel. It was pay by night anyway. They'll figure it out when we aren't there. But that doesn't fix our food problem."

"I know it's super late, but I can make something. Surprisingly enough, I'm actually a little hungry myself. How does a pasta dish sound?" I asked, chuckling at my own crazy notion to cook at two-thirty in the morning.

"Bexley, are you sure? We don't want you to feel like you have to do anything," said Sam.

I looked around, taking all of them in for a moment.

This was my family. They took care of me. It was my turn.

"It's fine. It may be a weird to think about, but Sam, you and Dean are my brothers. You're the only family I have left. And you've all taken care of me more than I could ever thank you for. So I consider all of you as family. Now shut the hell up and let me cook for you. I need the distraction, and I like to do it," I said, giving a small smile for the first time in hours.

"Kid, I'll admit it is weird to think that I have a little sister now. I'm not one to usually be so open to inviting people into our family, but with you Bexley, it's different. Not to mention this whole guardian angel thing that you and Jack got going on. I want to have you around," said Dean.

I got the gist of what he was saying, but I need to make sure I heard him right.

"What?" I said.

"Bexley, what Dean is trying to say is that you're our family as well," Said Castiel.

I looked to Sam, who had a warm smile on his face, then to Dean, who was nodding, then to Jack, who like Cas, was awaiting my response.

"Well. In that case, I you guys can call me Bex if you want."

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