𝟝. ℙ𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕒𝕙!

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The next day, quidditch tryouts are in full swing. I'm stationary on my broom, hovering by the goal posts. 

There are about fifteen people trying out for chaser. I have them each compete against each other, and end up choosing the two chasers from last year (Roger Davies and Hadley Irving), as well as a third year named Lillian Pockle. 

Turns out that Russell isn't bad at quidditch, so him and a boy named Kenneth Clint get picked for beater. 

Our best seeker tryout was a 2nd year named Cho Chang; by far. She's the best I could have hoped for- especially considering that Gryffindor isn't likely to get a good seeker this year. 

After I've made my decisions, I walk back out onto the pitch to tell everyone who tried out their results. 

Most people are angry; one boy even yells at me for picking Russell because "we fancy each other". I just roll my eyes. What a load of baloney. 

After everyone else leaves, I gather the team, congratulate them, and then dismiss them. 

I can't wait to get to bed. 

Russel and I walk into the castle together, absentmindedly chatting. As I climb one of the staircases, Penelope practically falls down; running towards me. 

"Laurie! Laurie! You'll never guess what!" she says. 

"What?!" I ask. 

"Harry Potter's been made seeker-" she says, catching her breath. "Even though he's a first year- they've made him seeker." 

"Son of a b-" I start. 

"How?" Russell cuts me off. 

"You're pulling my leg!" I say, shaking my head. 

"No, it's true. Everyone's been talking about it," Penny nods furiously

"You've got to be joking-" I throw my hands in the air. "There is absolutely no way!" 

"Why is he even allowed to be on the team?" asks Russell, frowning. 

"I dunno- I heard something about him doing really good in flying class-" Penelope answers. 

"That doesn't mean he gets to break the bloody rules!" I yell, frustrated. "There's no way! I have to talk to Flitwick-" I start. 

"Wait- you could get in trouble; it's after hours." 

"Not if I'm walking with a prefect," I say, pointing to Penelope. "Go on and head to the common room without us," I say to Russell; intent on sorting this out. 

Penelope and I start walking towards the teacher break room. "There is no way- the one year we have a chance for the cup," I mumble. 

The teacher break room door opens after I knock a couple of times. "Ms. Parker? It's nearly 9:30. What are you doing awake?" 

"Sorry, Professor," I say, "I just heard a rumor and I really think you should shut it down." 

McGonagall frowns. "What rumor?" 

"People have been saying that Potter's been made Gryffindor seeker," I explain. 

"Oh- no, that's not a rumor," she says. 

I have to do a double take. "Excuse me?" 

"Mr. Potter has shown incredible quidditch skill." 

"Yeah, but first years aren't allowed to compete," I say. "He's not a second year, is he?"

"We've decided to make an acception." 

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