𝟛𝟚. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕆𝕝𝕕-ℙ𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕊𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕓𝕠𝕠𝕜

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AN: gonna timeskip a little cause i wanna get to the action already lol


The rest of Christmas break flies by in a blur. We spend most of our days sledding, playing board games, and eating food. 

Christmas Day is a blast; we open presents in the morning, then spend all day building snowmen outside. In the evening, everyone helps cook a dinner that surprisingly doesn't taste bad. 

After Christmas, the return to school looms much larger than before. This is probably one of the first times that I've not been excited to go back to school. 

However, if the attacks get too bad, they've surely got to shut down the school. It shouldn't be something to worry about too much. 

Still, I worry about it. 

I return to school to find that almost everyone else is worried about the attacks as well. 

As the weeks go by without any activity from the so-called "Chamber of Secrets", it feels more and more like a bizarre dream. 

Before I know it, Valentine's day is coming up. A week before the holiday, Professor Lockheart stands up in The Great Hall and announces that he's arranged for singing dwarves to deliver personally written Valentines. 

Apparently, me and Oliver had the same evil idea at the same time, because, on Valentine's Day, we both get a singing Valentine right before we go to our Charms class. 

The singing dwarves are ugly looking little things, only made more peculiar by their flower crowns and heart shaped bows and arrows. 

The first one comes marching up the hallway as we're about to go into the classroom. 

"I've got a Valentine for Mr. Oliver Wood," it shouts. Oliver's eyes immediately find me, looking bewildered and mortified. All I can do is grin. 

The dwarf finds Oliver, plants itself at his feet, and begins to sing: 

"You're really quite handsome and charming as well, It's like I have fallen under your spell, You are very lovely, I have to admit, If only your quidditch skills weren't so shit.

Oliver laughs and hits me in the arm. "You think I'm handsome?" 

"You don't know that I sent that!" I grin, shoving him in response. 

"Who else would both compliment my looks and insult my keeping skills in a love poem?" 

"You never know," I shrug. 

At this moment, another dwarf comes down the hallway and clears its throat. 

"Oh my God- you didn't-" I face Oliver. 

"Listen to it-" he puts his hands on my shoulders and turns me back around to face the dwarf. 

"I've got a Valentine for Ms. Laurie Parker," it announces. 

"That's me," I say, laughing a bit. 

The dwarf clears its throat one more time before opening its mouth and singing:

"She's got golden hair and eyes like the sea, She's all that I want and all I should be, She's lovely and kind, feisty and free, One thing she's not is better at keeping than me.

I give Oliver a playful shove. "What a copycat!" 

"I wrote that last week," he shakes his head. 

"Not a single original thought in that head of yours, is there?" I sigh, shaking my head. 

"I'll show you the piece of parchment I worked it out on." 

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