The Fifth Trumpet: Locusts from the Bottomless Pit (I)

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The First Woe

At the sound of the 5th trumpet, Locusts from the bottomless pit are unleashed on the earth tormenting mankind for 5 months. In Revelation 9:1-2, we're told about a "star" that has fallen from heaven and this "star" was given the key to the bottomless pit and is the one to open it. The bible itself emphasizes this star as "he" and "him"; "...To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit..." (Revelation 9:1-2).

From the passage, it's clear that the imagery of a "star" here is used to speak of an angel. We see the use of the word "star" used many times in the bible to represent an angel or "stars" used for the heavenly host in general.

"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth...When the morning stars sang together, And all the sons of God shouted for joy?" (Job 38:4-7)"The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand...The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches..." (Revelation 1:20)

In Revelation 9:1 we're also told this star fell "from heaven to the earth" most likely implying that this is a fallen angel being spoken of. The angelic host that serve God day and night are not described to us in the bible as "fallen".

In his book, Revelation of Jesus Christ, the late John F. Walvoord – a highly respected theologian – also similarly elaborates on this star not being a literal star such as a meteor but as an angelic being, "The star here mentioned, however, seems to refer to a person rather than a literal star or meteor...That a literal star is not meant is evident from the part that to him was given the key, that is, the authority (Matthew 16:19; Revelation 1:18), to open the bottomless pit. An intelligent being must be intended. It has been observed mat a star is used as a symbol of the angel, 1:20. As early as the days of Job, there is a similar use of the word... (Job 38:7)," (Revelation of Jesus Christ, 107).

E.W. Bullinger in his book, The Apocalypse or the "Day of the Lord", also shares the same view regarding this star as an angel, "Angels are called stars in Job xxxviii. 7, and often in the Old Testament, the phrase "host of heaven" means the angels, as in 1 Kings xxii. 19. 2 Chron. xviii. 18. Ps. cxlviii. 2. Josh. v. 14...That the word "star," here, is used for "angel" seems clear from the personal actions ascribed to it," (The Apocalypse or the "Day of the Lord", 213).

As horrible as this trumpet is, these locusts are not given full reign to do as they please. This again, is God's mercy. "They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads," (Revelation 9:4). Earlier, we saw that the 1st trumpet judgment struck 1/3 of the earth's vegetation and here we see these locusts can not harm any vegetation which would be the 2/3 left from the previous trumpet judgement. Also this punishment is specifically geared towards the unrepentant believers as tribulation saints will be given protection.

These locusts don't have the authority to kill but their role is to torment mankind for 5 months. Their torment is like the sting of a scorpion but it's so bad that people want to die but can't, "In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them," (Revelation 9:6).

Locusts as Helicopters

One interpretation for the locusts is that they are helicopters. Some believe the physical descriptions of these locusts match physical descriptions of certain combat helicopters we have today. Those that hold this interpretation believe the faces like men are men in the cockpit, breastplates of iron being the armor of the helicopter, the sound of the wings is the sound of the propeller, and the teeth mentioned is the mouth depicted on some helicopters.

I personally do not subscribe to this view. The main flaw I see with this view is that it doesn't account for how and why humans who would be piloting these helicopters will specifically aim for only those who aren't sealed by God per Revelation 9:4. How will they know who has God's mark and who doesn't to avoid them? We also would need to take into account the weapons such an helicopter would have which would deal a decisive blow to any human being, a direct contradiction to which Revelation 9:4 commands these scorpions not to kill.

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