Chapter 3 - Oh, Hi.

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So, I might have forgotten a little detail here.

Sebastian had spent a few years of his life in Seattle, his very early years. Despite that, I knew that Sebastian would not come here because he was a busy man and frankly, he had no sentiments attached to this place. As far as I knew, he didn't remember a single detail of his life in Seattle.

He did remember the school he'd been to.

While my son was jumping excitedly in place, I felt almost paralyzed.

"N-Nathan," I stuttered out, "You're getting late, so you should run to your classroom, alright? I heard Mr. Daniels would be around for a few days, so you can see him later. He seems busy now, too." I kissed his forehead.

I tried to look from the corner of my eye but I couldn't see Sebastian from where I was standing. I didn't even know how close he was but I knew Nathan needed to run.

And me, too.

Nathan's lower lip jutted out and he said, "But I want to meet him. We'll meet him later?"


"Uh. We'll see if he's free, okay?" I patted his back, "Now run! I love you!"

"Okay, Mom! I love you, too!" The excitement on his face was palpable.

And off he went, but not before glancing at Sebastian one last time.

I was still not sure if Nathan had really seen Sebastian or was confusing someone else with him. But I was definitely not taking any chances, especially after knowing that I had been this close to meeting him yesterday.

I scampered back inside my car and glanced out of the window to find that Nathan was right, Sebastian really was here and he really was coming for Nathan. I knew he hadn't spotted me – I was out of his sight the entire time. However, I didn't know what he wanted from my baby, but I shivered at the look of Sebastian with his eyes trained on my little boy.

I could read that gaze – calculating, assessing, and trying to figure out the situation.

Hiding was going to be very difficult – Sebastian saw Nathan and instantly knew he looked like him. That nosy bastard would want to dig deeper to know more about him and would eventually find his way to me.

And once he knew that I hid his son from him...

I was quivering in my seat. Sebastian was turning around and his eyes narrowed on my car. I had never started my car and driven off so quickly...and just kept hoping that Sebastian didn't note the number on my license plate or I would be in deep shit.

I drove mindlessly till I reached home. I was still quivering – I was a coward and would always remain one. I had the chance, to tell him, finally.

But the school was really not the place for revelations.

Wasn't it the plan all along, though – to wait till Sebastian was decently powerful himself and then tell him the truth about Nathan? Was it time already? Did I have to tell Sebastian about Nathan now?

And what about Nathan? He idolized Sebastian Daniels. Ever since he came across a picture of him on a magazine stand, he had been taken with him. The more he kept growing up, the more he wanted to know about him, his career, his interests, his life and I told him as much as I could, leaving the part that the man he loved so much was his own father.

I didn't even know why Nathan was so drawn to him. Maybe it had always been a sign that Nate needed Sebastian in his life and that I needed to unite them.

I couldn't wipe the image of Nathan's excitement from my mind, and as I kept replaying that moment, I decided that Nathan was going to meet Sebastian Daniels.

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