Prologue 1

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Six years.

It had been six years since I last saw her or had any kind of communication with her. I had ignored all her messages and mails, deleted them without even reading them, cutting off and wiping away anything that reminded me of her. I burnt her clothes, smashed all our photo frames - I stopped eating those foods that reminded me of her.

I was that furious. Betrayed.

How could she do that to me?

I loved her so much. Fuck, I still loved her. Ever since I had kicked her out of my place and my life, I missed her, really missed her. I was messed up, she had ruined me for every other woman. I was depressed for the past six years, and no one could help me out of it.

No one, except her.

I still remember the last day I saw her: her beautiful, rosy cheeks were pale, lacking the flush that was always present on her face whenever she was around me. Her blue eyes were dull, as if they had lost their twinkle. I had always thought that those twinkling stars were just for me.

Who knew that I was too stupid to fall for that twinkle of greed, mistaking her every emotion as love.


Not just a day ago I was ready to lay my entire world at her feet. Not just a day ago I had eyes only for her, and I was blindly and madly in love with her. We had our perfect little uncomplicated love story, a whole future planned ahead of us.

She destroyed it all in just a single day.

I let her go a long time ago, but I knew that a small part of me still wanted her, even after all the things she had done to me.

No. It didn't matter if I loved her or not. The hatred and the angst was still buried deep within me and I knew I wouldn't let go until I get my revenge.

My revenge, for breaking my heart.


This is the beginning of my new book. The storyline, at least the initial part is quite cliché, so I warn you beforehand. Anyways, thank you, really, for giving this book a try and I hope I won't disappoint you.

I'm not a fan of big and huge author's notes. I believe that we all are old enough and not immature children to copy each others' works. Also, any kind of criticism is allowed, but only to a limit. I'm one who believes in freedom of speech and expression but only when put the right way 

I will make grammatical typing errors mostly so you are free to point it out. Grammar Nazis are welcome!

Updates won't be frequent coz if you want frequent updates, then you'll get shorter chapters.

(Avg. Length of chapters will be approx. 4000 words.)


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