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With the twins~~~

Both were not having the best of times right now. After what they saw, both were angry and disappointed. This would start the revolution, and America in particular would have the most trouble reminiscing all that happened. This would kick of the twos hostilities and mistrust, that would lead to all that occurred. ((Just thought I had to go into detail about that, sorry that it was basically useless if you knew what was gonna happen, which is probably all of ya-))

Matthew looked over at Alfred, who was glaring at the ground, mumbling quietly to himself about what had happened. Although Matthew knew about the revolution, he didn't know the details as Alfred would not talk anything of it.

The door to the next memory had just appeared, but only Matthew noticed, and soon tried to gain the Americans attention. "Hey, uh, Al..? Do you want to continue or take a small break after that?" He asked quietly, tilting his head a bit. Alfred looked up slightly and nodded with a small sigh, standing up and lending a hand to help him up. "Best if we get this over with.." He mumbled, as Matthew grabbed his hand and they both walked to the door, opening it silently and walking inside, flinching at the boom from the door slamming shut.

With the nations~~~

All were surprised at what they had just saw. The nine were of course angry, but they didn't know what would soon happen either, nobody did, except for Arthur and Alfred. They were all left speechless however, not knowing how to respond after something like that. Arthur huffed quietly to himself, folding his arms and turning to the side, grumbling to himself about what had and will happen.

Some countries broke out of their shock and glared at the Brit with varying levels, but the Nordics were glaring at him the most. They were angry that he would slap Al ((nickname cuz am lazy)) that hard for being angry at something he had a right to be angry about. Arthur felt their glare and only rolled his eyes in response, although they couldn't see it. After a few minutes in the torturous tension in the room, a memory played as all directed their attention to the screen.

After what had happened, Alfred went to his room, to get away from everything. His head was swarming with thoughts as what had happened as the morning repeated in his mind. Once he made it to his and Matthews room, he broke down, falling to his knees the second he closed the door. He curled up, sobbing into his knees, not knowing what had happened to even start that fight, since it all happened so quickly.

After a few minutes, there was a small knock on the door, as Alfred shakily stood back up, wiped his face and cracked open the door. Matthew was on the other side, looking at him worriedly, and once he saw Alfred, he quickly clung to him. Alfred stumbled backwards a bit, before slowly hugging back, starting to cry again, which made Matthew frown deeply and hug him even tighter.

They stayed like that for a long while, and after a few minutes, Alfred was sobbing quietly on Matthew's shoulder, mumbling on about what had happened and what he had done, as Matthew tried to calm his twin. Although his attempts worked a small bit, Alfred soon fell asleep out of exhaustion of crying so much, clinging onto Matthew like a lifeline, but he didn't really mind.

Matthew was now upset with Arthur, cause even after what they had done, he still hurt him. Matthew chose to ignore this however, and picked up the southerner, and set him on the bed, but Alfred only moved closer to Matthew, mumbling quietly in his sleep. Matthew smiled softly at this, and got onto the bed as well, hugging Alfred more protectively now, to which the latter hummed contently in his sleep. This made the northerner laugh quietly, and pat his back a bit, getting a bit tired as well, and soon falling asleep, as both held each other comfortingly. ((*Me dying of how adorable that would be-*))

Downstairs, the southernmost empires stared at the Brit stunned, completely at a loss for words. They all stayed silent, and the tension was growing quickly to unimaginable heights, as Arthur knew that if he spoke, well, things wouldn't look good for him. After a few moments for the information to sink in, both Francis and Antonio said "Why did you do that?!" In their native tongues.

Arthur only scoffed, folding his arms and glaring at the side. "Because he was acting very much rude and immature. I know that is being gone is wrong, but he seemed to be taking that too far." He grumbled, as the Spaniard and Frenchmen gawked at his response. "What do you mean taking it too far?! We all are to blame! He does, and Matthew as well, has a reason to be angry!" Antonio shouted, which only made Arthur growl quietly to himself once again. "Angleterre, don't you think you were going too far?-" "Shut it frog!" He growled, glaring at both. "He is my colony and so I can do what I want! He was getting on my nerves, and will probably be fine in a couple of hours, so it's not a very big deal anyways." He said, waving his hand dismissively, going to his room, slamming his door, making both flinch.

After a few minutes in the stunned silence, both snapped out of their shock and looked at each other, having a quick mental conversation, before going up the stairs and to the twins room. Antonio knocked on the door quietly, to get no response, making then frown and worry a bit. Francis soon opened the door and walked inside, Antonio following closer behind. They both saw the two asleep, holding the other closely and tightly, as Alfred still had a hand print on his cheek, and obviously looked like he had been crying a lot.

Both frowned sadly at him, feeling really guilty, and walked over, Francis by Matthew and Antonio near Alfred. Both empires rubbed the twos backs in a comforting way, as both the twins moved a bit, both visibly releiving some of the stress they both had. The elders smiled softly at this, and looked at each other for a split second, before slowly standing and staring to walk away, but heard a couple whines as the two huddled closer to each other, obviously not wanting the two to leave. The two looked back and laughed quietly to themselves, and walked back, sitting down again next to the two, squinting at both, as both cooed mentally, making sure to not wake them up.

Even though what Arthur said before was technically correct, the both of them were also colonizers to Alfred's land, so he was also technically their colony as well. Both southern empires were pretty angry at what Arthur had done, but didn't have the strength to overpower the Brit, so could only watch, no matter how bad they really just wanted to yell. The two stayed quiet for the most part, sometimes talking to each other about what they had just saw, but since they were still very much in shock about that, and not wanting to wake the twins, they couldn't talk that much about it. They also knew they had a ton of work, but mutually agreed that it can wait, as they took some time to hang out with and comfort their first colonies.

1277 words

((Hayyyyyyyy~ soooo i think what happened in the last chapter was a bit fast-pasted, so I tried (keyword) to slow this one down a bit. I also enjoy reacting to my own writing, cause it just feels like I'm talking to the readers, y'know? But just had to say this, of COURSE Arthur snaps at Francis, it was destined to happen. Anyways, i wonder how France and Spain will think of the Spanish-American war and the French Revolution.... and since i have been winging this story so far, and if i try to make a plot, I will go in a completely different direction. so... Прощай~~!))

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