Seventeen - Part One

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With the twins~~~

The two silently agreed to take a break, and if someone was there, they wouldn't contest the two. But, depressingly enough, nobody except the brothers were there, or so it seemed.

They looked around, wondering if they had to go back for the little break house that Native had made, or if it stayed with them for if they needed a break at any time. They ventured into the darkness, hoping that the latter was correct, and to their relief, it was.

They walked in, and looked around, not seeing anything that has changed from before, so, just started to do anything they could. Thankfully, their mother had included electronics and games, so they could have something to do as they paused from their memories. Alfred decided to go and see if anything was on the TV that was in their room, while Matthew decided he needed some food, and started to make pancakes, because, why not?

While Matthew was cooking, Alfred smelled the food and started to get hungry, but a small voice that echoed in his head told him not to, and that it would ruin his record. Even though the voice was small, it was clear in the americans head.. But it had been so long...

He shook out of that thought, trying to focus on what he was watching, though, he couldn't ignore the smell, but would definitely try.

When Matthew had finished his cooking, he wore a small smile, and walked into the room Alfred was in, looking over what he was doing. "Hey, I just made some pancakes! Do you want any?" Alfred hesitated, and before he could answer, Matthew hoisted him up and was dragging him to the kitchen, saying, "Rhetorical question~" The younger of the two just sent a slight glare, huffing. "So, your just gonna make me eat even if I don't want to?" "Yeah." "Wow. And I thought I had some say to what I do." The northerner let out a small laugh at this, setting a plate of two pancakes in front of his twin, who just stared at the plate.

Canada was already in the process of making a literal pool of syrup in his plate when America finally grabbed the fork. Matthew was basically light years ahead in this made up competition, but he's Canadian, so it makes sense-

Alfred had a blank stare the entire time, and just started to poke at his food, not really hungry, even though his stomach would like to argue that statement. Matthew had noticed and sent a look that said, "If you don't eat, I will get my hockey stick." before turning back to his plate. America just rolled his eyes, and he thought that surely his mother wouldn't have put one here. Anyways, he just continued to poke at his food, not really worried about Matthew.

Once the Canadian finished eating, he turned to his twin, and saw that he STILL hasn't taken a bite. A slightly annoyed look appeared on him, before turning to one of a slightly smug smirk. "Alfred." He stated sternly, quickly gaining the teens attention, because he rarely uses his full human name. "This is your last chance. Don't eat, I get my hockey stick." This just resulted in the other rolling his eyes again and scoffed, looking back at his plate. "Right. And I'm gonna get 5 bajillion dollars this minute." Matthew's smirk only grew, as he started to walk off, saying that if he wasn't eating, he was in trouble, to get a glare in return.

To say that America didn't actually think Native had put a hockey stick, or a baseball bat oddly enough in the house, would be an understatement.

When Matthew came back, Alfred turned to him, and I kid you not, all of the blood drained from him in a millisecond. The american lept from the table, and with a slightly annoyed canadian behind him, started to run for his life. Like, even if a army was chasing him, he wouldn't be as worried as he was right now. Canada chased America for a long time, maybe like 2~ hours, before the two nearly collapsed out of exhaustion. They weren't far from the house, and started to walk back after exchanging some dialog, though America went faster went than Canada, to the latter's amusement.

During that dialog, the american had promised to eat, so Matthew felt accomplished, but he was sad that he had to get his twin to promise to eat... The two walked back, relatively quiet as both were extremely tired, and when they got back, America stuck to his words and ate the whole plate of pancakes, though they weren't the same ones as when he was first given food, and they had to throw them away, to the disappointment of the northerner. ((Poor Matt... nah poor pancakes lol)) Then, after that, they headed to their room and passed out the second they hit the bed.

A couple of minutes later, a person appeared and walked to the twins, running their hands through the two's hair, making them shift slightly in their sleep, as well as let out two quiet hums. The person let out a small laugh, shaking their head slightly, before kissing the two on the forehead. "You two should sleep well. You have alot ahead of you, after all. I am sure this plan will work. And if it doesn't, I am sorry. Anyways, goodnight my Maska and Chaska." After that, they left without making another sound.

930 words

((THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE OMGGGGG- The running and the part to where Al knew he was screwed was the funnest. It's short, but hey, it's just the first part~ Also, as you can see, I changed Canada's native american name because it wasn't so native american... Kanta was a Sanskrit name, so I went and found 'Chaska' which means basically 'first born'. I did this to my other chapters, and if you see 'Kanta' tell me, I'll change it. I thought that 'Kanata' was a but overused and is too close to Canada, so i changed it to 'Kanta' but then found out and yah.. Also, he is technically the oldest so it kinda makes sense- If you have a better name, or want me to switch it back, let me know! Buh byeeeeeeeee~

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