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With the countries~~~

Some nations were slightly annoyed at this, for a couple of reasons, the main ones being that they thought they were going to be alone forever. The rest didn't really see much wrong with this, as they obviously had a ton of work, and thought that when the work was finished, everything would be back to normal, so they didn't really pay much attention to that.

The memory started again, now a couple days later, as the twins were still in the same house. It seemed empty once more, entirely silent, which made it look slightly abandoned.

The two were just waking up, getting ready quietly. After a few minutes, they walk down the stairs, and look around, seemingly looking for someone. It was lifeless, nothing except the twins in the house was moving and after a few minutes of the twins looking, they found they were alone. 

This scared them, as the two thought that the empires would be there, like they were when they were first colonized, but.. nothing... They started to get really anxious quickly, worrying for the three. Because of them being children, they thought they were abandoned, and that terrified the two.

After searching the house a couple more times to make sure, they made their way to the couch, got on and sat down by each other, worrying to themselves about the three. Everything was quiet once more, and it would stay that way for the rest of the day. The two didn't do much, as they were worrying still for the three, hoping that they were okay. They still stayed by each other, soon clinging onto one another for dear life, and was now crying to themselves.

At the end of the day, the two had no more tears that were able to fall, and both stayed quiet, staring at the ground sadly. "Hey...do you think they will come back...? Any time soon?" Matthew asked quietly, looking up at the southerner slightly. Alfred only sighed and shrugged, but quickly realized he had to cheer him up somehow. "I think they will. They probably had something really important to do, and couldn't tell us that they were leaving." He said, hoping that helped.

Matthew only sighed quietly, nodding a bit, and looking back down, feeling a bit better from the optimism. "How long do you think they will take to come back..?" He asked quietly, leaning on Alfred a bit more. Said colony thought for a minute, before talking. "Probably not that long. The day at the longest. I'm very certain they will come back...just have to wait..." He said with a small tired sigh afterwards.

Matt nodded again, hating that they 'just have to wait' but they couldn't do anything else. He was also very tired from crying and worrying, so he fell asleep on America. He didn't mind at all, and just hugged him more, as well as smiling slightly, proud of himself for calming Matt down at least a little.

He was also tired from everything, but didn't let himself fall asleep, as he wanted to make sure nothing would happen. He also thought that maybe he could meet the three when they returned. As he waited, he started to slowly get more and more angry with the three, which there were a lot of reasons why he was in the first place.

In his sleep, Matt felt Alfred's anger, moving slightly with a quiet hum, trying to get America to calm down as he was asleep. Said American looked down at him, and sighed quietly, calming down a bit, still very tired. Thanks to this, he wasn't as angry as he would've been.

He laid on Matt slightly, and was still holding him slightly protectively, and yawned a bit, still staring at the front door. His eyes got very heavy, as he slowly fell asleep, begrudgingly though. Matt smiled to himself slightly, and tightened his grip on Alfred slightly, before quickly loosening it again.

The slept peacefully for the rest of the day, hugging each other for comfort, not being awake for when the empires actually came back. The three looked over at them, and sighed quietly to themselves with a small smile, as Arthur and Francis went over to them, to pick their colonies up respectively. But before they were separated, Alfred tightened his grip on Matthew quickly, not looking like he was going let go. 

The Europeans all chuckled at this, Arthur then picking both up, and walking quietly to their room, setting them down on the bed. After he did this, Alfred relaxed himself, but was still holding Matthew close, and said Canadian didn't seem to mind that much, and clung slightly to his twin.

He again laughed quietly to himself, before looking at the door with an exasperated sigh. He was frowning deeply at it, and turned to the two again, sadness hinting his features. He soon reluctantly left the room, going to his office, to where Antonio and Francis had retreated to, burying themselves in work once again.

The house was quiet once more, and the three 'finished' at around midnight, passing out on their beds, all seeming to really need the sleep. They all knew that they still had work to finish, but they also wanted to spend some time with the two. Before they passed out, they were thinking of this, and came up with that they have to do the work, or it will just pile up, and they will never have time with them, which just didn't sit well with them.


What happened in the day before, happened the next day and the next. The three would be around for only a couple hours, before to leaving for work in their countries, or sometimes, have to leave before even telling them. This left the twins alone a lot, and the twins soon learned how to take care of themselves much too quickly.

They would both work around the house, turning the chores into games to make them more fun, and usually working with or near the other. After everything was done, they would go outside and walk or play around, and soon went back inside to go to sleep. 

They still saw the empires, and they do spend time with them, but not as much as is needed for their ages. The house is usually silent, as there is usually nobody there but there were exceptions. This happens with all of the colonies, and the two quickly got used to the empires coming and leaving.  

As time passes the three would spend longer times without seeing the twins. They would come back after a week of being across the ocean in work or dealing with other things in Europe, and this went on for a while, before their visits became even more sparse. This would strain their relationship, as both had feeling of dejection from being alone, or anxiety for the three, especially during storms.

This made America angry, at the fact that they weren't there for a lot of the time, and that Matthew wasn't taking too well to this. He was thinking that they left cause they didn't like them anymore, and other things like that. Alfred thought that since he was the strongest of the two, he had to protect Matt, which only made him very protective over Matthew.  This caused more straining of their relationship between him and the empires, but he would usually hide this, to not get in trouble with the three.

With the twins~~~

After the memory faded, both let out a small sigh, as Matthew's was more sad, and Alfred's was more annoyed. After a few minutes of silence, both slowly walked over to the next door, slightly bracing themselves for what was to come.

1309 words

((Heyo. This was pretty difficult to write ngl. Like, okay, so i had the idea...but didn't know enough w o r d s to express what my idea was, if that made any sense. I guess it could be considered writers-block, but i dunno. ALSO, if you expect this to be updated in a rhythm, you will be majorly disappointed. Uhhh...that's basically what I wanted to say soooo buh byee!~))

PastsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon