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Part one of this memory.

The nations in white limbo had went to sleep, seeing at the two in black limbo were busy with.. something, and didn't watch any more memories, which is reasonable. But, some did get worried, for obvious reasons.

When the nations woke up again, they did everything they needed to before going to the kitchen. The first ones there was actually Romano and Japan. The atmosphere got slightly awkward, as the two didn't talk as that much, but they certainly knew how the other was, from Feli mostly.

The atmosphere was literally suffocating when the next country, Germany, walked in. Ludwig, not sensing the fairly obvious tension, walked past the two and started some coffee, getting himself a glass once it was finished. He didn't really do anything to help the suffocating nations, but the one(s) who did were actually the Nordics. Norway was grumbling about, and almost about to strangle, a certain Dane, who was rambling about honestly anything, while also trying to touch Norge's curl. Finland and Sweden were talking quietly to one another, and Iceland was the fifth wheel, which seemed to annoy him, but that went mostly unnoticed.

The tension slowly melted away, as the three went on doing their own things, since more and more nations woke, the two had more people to talk to, even though Japan wasn't really one to be talking and Romano would get annoyed by the person to even start a conversation, if the person was male if course, if the person was a girl, however, he would be as talkative as Feli.

This time the Italy brothers were allowed to cook. What the nations were thinking, nobody knows, but around an hour later, and Romano yelling at Feli for said hour about not knowing how to cook, the two came out with a tray that actually surprised everyone else. It wasn't pasta, actually none of it was, but rather many different pastries and drinks, and also different foods that looked to be more snacks then a meal. And the one to point this out was Spain. He got the normal retaliation from Romano, and while Southern Italy was shouting at Antonio for being a jerk, North Italy took it upon himself to explain. "Ve~ We don't focus on breakfast all that much, actually we both forget it a lot! Lunch and dinner are more important to us, being the bigger meals. So, we made snacks, along with what we would normally have for breakfast!" ((If any Italians are reading, I hope I'm right- kinda scary writing cultures, because if I'm wrong... Hoooooo boy- ))

The countries nodded or hummed, and got their servings, and started to eat. They were pleasantly surprised to find most of the food was sweet, and barely any of it was savory. It was still good, but just not what thy expected. They ate for around 30 minutes, complimenting the two, and while Feli was happy everyone else was enjoying, Romano would mumble a small "grazie" for the compliments, feeling a bit awkward again. Spain noticed and decided it was time to love Roma, or annoy Roma, take your pick. The same was happening with Feliciano to Germany, but said German got used to that a long time ago.

After Spain sufficiently angered our Southern Italian, the memory started, which mildly annoyed Lovino, saying he really wanted to smack the elder. He just fell back in his seat with a huff, thinking about ways he can kill Spain later.

The twins were in their house, getting back into their normal routine, but still seemed on edge. The two were in the kitchen, doing normal things, before hearing the front door open. This freaked them out a lot, as they hadn't really gotten over what happened at the trials yet. But, what calmed them down was this, "Hijos? Are you here?"

The memory paused as a groan was heard in white limbo. "I don't want to see tomato bastard! I was trying to forget his existence, but I guess not." Lovino grumbled, and said spaniard just clung to Roma, whining about how he was being mean. The memory started after a few minutes, Spain still going on about whatever, but everyone ignored, or tried to ignore him.

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