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Okayyyyyyyyy- Hi again, i just have to make this-

So, a person was nice enough to make a cover for this story, and I just cant fathom a person doing that for me, or this.

I've actually known this person for a while on here, but that doesn't change the fact that she really didn't need to do this, yet she did- And, it both confuses and intrigues me, but makes me happy nonetheless.

This person is Sapphiregallll, and the cover is this;

I honestly love it- utevjknaonwdyndjwksineoghvuenowmx- Remember when I said I felt like changing the cover? I suppose that's where she got the idea

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I honestly love it- utevjknaonwdyndjwksineoghvuenowmx-
Remember when I said I felt like changing the cover? I suppose that's where she got the idea. There are some other pictures that I was thinking about, but this would definitely have to be with those.

But, I also don't want to change it, and not for the reasons of the art being bad, but it would confuse readers, saying that the cover is, uh, dIfFeReNt- hmmmmmmmmm...

Well, I'm not really supposed to be talking about that- I made this to thank Sapphiregallll, and I think I shouldn't stray too far from that. So, and I will keep saying this until I die, I've probably days this WAY too many times, tHaNkS fOr ThE aRt-

A short little thing, it's barely reached 200 words, but I just needed to say that. Also, she gave me this a few days ago, (3 or 4, time is weird-) but I've been caught up with some things, so, sorry this is kinda late- I was wanting to get this out the day I was given this, but life had to slap a huge nope on that one. Then... I was busy but also kind of forgot a few times- ;<;

Anyways, that's all for right now, I kinda need sleep, and I'll see you whenever my next chapter is made. Buhhh byeeeeeee!~

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