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Part two of the French and Indian war.

After a few minutes, Canada looked down at America, who looked like he had fallen asleep to basically anybody, but was rather in a daze. Matthew huffed, shaking his head. "Sheesh... ToO sEnIsItIvE i SwEaR-" He grumbled playfully, picking him up and was about to go back to the resting house, before he felt something tug on his sleeve. "Where you goinnnnn...?" The American slurred, looking confused and obviously tired. "Ah, so your awake eh?" Canada said, and America just narrowed his already half closed eyes. "Barely... Thanks by the way." He mumbled annoyed, getting out of his grasp and almost immediately toppling over, catching himself and cursing under his breath.

The Canadian laughed at his twins mishaps, gaining an annoyed glare from said twin, who huffed and stumbled to the house, leaving Canada alone for a split second, as Matthew wondered what he was up to, and instantly came up with the idea that he was getting coffee.

Well, he found he was right.

"How did I know?" Matthew asked in a slightly mocking fashion once Alfred reappeared, who just stared at him blandly. "How would you not know? I would actually be hurt-" Canada just laughed at this, shaking his head. "I would be disappointed in myself. Now, come on, gotta continue." The southern nation leaned back with a groan, and walked over to the northern one. "Whhyyyyyyyy?? We already know what's gonna happennnnn..." The artic nation rolled his eyes, and grabbed the powers free hand, dragging him to the door. "I know all about it Alfie. And, apparently we don't know everything that happened to us, cause, the Nordics?" Canada didn't get a very clear answer, more of a incoherent grumble, but he thought that America said something like, "whatever this is just stupid."

The two, which was more or less Canada forcing America to continue, went through the next entrance, as they waited for the memory to start, said American whining about the place, and Canada tried to ignore him, but that went as well as you think it did. ((Honestly, America is the one person who, no matter you do, you can't ignore.))

It seemed to be a few days after the three came, and immediately there was trouble.

Apparently, the Europeans were in a state of tension. Why? Well, from what the two were able to get, Austria wants something of Prussia's, Silesia they think. And, unsurprisingly, England and France were fighting each other because of it. Spain wasn't exactly interested nor wanted to be apart of it, which is smart, and he was trying, but failing, in calming the two down before the storm.

The twins weren't really worried for if they would have to deal with the waring phase, since it was about Europe going crazy, and didn't really include them.

Well were they surprised.

When France and England started to argue about which twin, and subsequently which empire, owned the disputed Ohio territory, England declared war on France, and the twins were at war, which they weren't too keen on fighting surprisingly.

France had taken Canada to his own house in his land, separating the two for the first time, and for a long time. Before they were separated, however, they asked Spain if he could do something, and he said he would try, but to not get their hopes too high, because, in his words, "Francia and Inglaterra are like boulders. They aren't going to budge whatsoever when it comes to an attempt of killing the other." Which wasn't the best thing to hear, but at least he'll give it a shot.

And try he did. But... It failed because the two of them said almost the exact same things. "No." He did keep trying, and telling them of what the twins would think, and the two answered with close to the same thing again, which was, "They're going to be getting more land. I don't think that (which ever of the two) would mind that much." After a long struggle of Antonio trying to get the two to stop being enemies for one minute, he found it improbable for them to change for a while.

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