"Logan, do you copy?" Morgan tried as Logan got cut off by the bad signal.

"We– we are–"

"Logan, listen, if you copy, we are coming," Morgan said quickly. "Just might take us a little longer to get there than we thought."

Logan didn't respond, making Morgan look up with a calculated stare.

"We need to buy everyone some more time," he said calmly. "Come on."

Both girls nodded and the three of them got to work in creating a sort of tripwire around them, hopefully to give them a little more time to take out the infected. Of course, Kamille couldn't stop herself from looking out to Alicia every two seconds, her worry permanently etched into her expression as the younger girl clenched her jaw through the pain of her hands when she used them to hit the wire posts into the ground.

"You sure you're okay with this?" Kamille asked her as they lined up, watching the infected get closer and closer.

"We have to help our friends," Alicia said, gripping her weapon tightly. "We can't worry about anything else right now."

Kamille pursed her lips as she held Alicia's gaze a second longer than she should have, before looking in front of her with her knife raised. All Alicia had wanted was to help this Logan guy out, ever since she'd got the call. Kamille wanted to stick by her, help her find her purpose again, but not if it would endanger their lives.

The first infected moved forward, tripping over the wire, which Morgan took out with his stick in an instant. Then the second infected came, then the third... before Kamille knew it, they were practically on top of them as they had no choice but to keep them at bay long enough for the others to get out.

After what felt like forever, the three of them were able to stop and catch their breath as a new wave of infected stumbled towards them in the distance. Just on time, the others walked out the helicopter, holding a makeshift stretcher with Luciana on it. Following them were two kids, the ones Kamille saw when she woke up.

"Luci...," Kamille breathed out, approaching her side and seeing a pole sticking out from her shoulder. "Is she okay?"

"For now, but we need to get her somewhere safe," June said, a hint of reassurance in her voice.

"We need to clear a path," Morgan said, and Kamille followed his gaze to see the infected getting closer.

"How many rounds you have?" Alicia asked John.

John checked. "Uh, seven."

"We'll make it work," June stated confidently.

"We can do this," Morgan agreed.

Kamille swallowed hard, looking out at the infected again. She felt queasy and her thigh was beginning to ache; they couldn't die here. Not like this.

"Alicia," Al called, before passing her her weapon.

"Okay, I'll take the lead," Alicia announced after taking one final look ahead. She turned around and looked between everyone. "Morgan, you take one side, Kam you take the other. June, Al, keep Luci safe. And you two," she pointed to the two boys, "stay in the middle, watch your back, okay?"

the truth about survival part II • an Alicia Clark fanfiction (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now