Chapter One (Part 1)

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(y/n)'s POV


As I sat on my thin cot in my small, dark room hugging my knees to my chest I tried not to think too much about what Tomura might have planned for me today on the "mission" he'd mentioned when he'd showed up outside my cell last night. I hoped it was just scouting or something of the sort and that we wouldn't be harming anyone. Unfortunately for me, my wishes seldom came true.

I shifted on my mattress so that my head lay against the wall, staring up at the concrete ceiling. I decided to try and distract myself by attempting to guess who would be sent to come gather me for today.

I hadn't seen anyone in weeks, the exception being Spinner, who would sometimes bring me food if he remembered and "felt up to it". Other times when he was too lazy I went days with little to no food, light, or human interaction of any kind. That last part bothered me less as I'd never cared much for people in general- with a few exceptions- though that could be because I hadn't exactly been surrounded by the kindest of people growing up.

The particular neglect I'd been receiving of late reminded me that I'd become of less and less use to the LOV over time, because they used to take me on all of their little "missions". Not that I was at all nostalgic for the awful things that occurred because of my aiding them in their villainy, but I'd hoped that if they had come to the conclusion that I was no longer of any use to them that they might release me. However, as they had reminded me, even if I was to be released I wouldn't exactly have anywhere to go, no home to run back to, and unfortunately I realize that if the day came where I was rendered useless to them, their solution wouldn't exactly be to let me go anyway. It'd more likely be a little more... permanent.

I sighed, deciding to focus on a little bit of a brighter subject. Like how today I'd be finally seeing the sky again. I wondered if it had changed at all. I presumed not. The sky didn't really seem to change that often. As I pondered the fluctuating of the atmosphere I suddenly heard the sound of footsteps echoing down the corridor. I tilted my ear toward the sound to confirm, then I grunted and dusted myself off, sliding off the bed before stretching my legs.

Even if whatever I had to do today went against my moral code, at least- for a few hours- I'd have something to do away from this hell of boredom.

I focused in on the light, bouncy footsteps that rang through the hall, recognizing the familiar gait of a particular hormonal vampire immediately.

"(Y/NNNNNN)~" Toga's singsong voice caused me to grind my teeth, putting me on edge, "Time to go!!" When I didn't respond I could hear her audible pout as her skipping slowed and she neared my door. The key turned in it's lock and it opened with a painful groan. Toga switched on the light from outside, half blinding me, and her figure was suddenly illuminated against the doorway, arms swinging at her sides, hip pressed up against the doorframe, head leaned back. As I took in her form another switch was flipped, my forehead burned around my horn as what's left of my quirk attempted to take control and assess the girl in front of me. I dismissed it, not really caring what it had to say, and looked up at her. She grinned at me, and her brows scrunched up when I didn't return the gesture.

I crossed my arms and turned my head to the side, sweeping my long (h/c) hair over my shoulder and trying to avoid looking at her as she skipped her way toward me, taking my wrist in both of her hands.

"Oh don't be like that bestie!" She cried cheerfully, now much too close for comfort. I shifted away from her, backing toward the wall, "Come on~ The longer you stall the longer it will be until we get back to the others," She whispered in my ear, pinning me further against the wall, "and Jin doesn't like to be left alone for too long, the poor sensitive little baby." Her bottom lip stuck out.

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now