Chapter Twenty Five

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Jirou's POV


"Himiko Toga," I said in recognition, breathless as I watched (n/n)'s eyes shift with internal struggle. She continuously mouthed 'run' at me, but at this point it was clear that she was aware I was going no where. "What are you doing here?" I asked the villain angrily.

"I've come to retrieve your girlfriend," She grinned. "Or should I say, 'my love'." A droplet of blood ran down her chin from her lips. I hoped to god that it was her own, but I knew better. Surely she'd used one of the student's blood to sneak into UA in their disguised as them. I could only hope that whoever her victim was was okay, because right now all my focus was on (n/n)'s safety.

But I couldn't think of anything. Not a single solution. If I did nothing, Toga would take (n/n), and if I did something she would stab her, which would only result in injury to (n/n) and death the the rest of us. I'd never been so incredibly frustrated. 

Think, Kyouka, think.

"Alright, alright," Toga said, rolling her eyes and bouncing from one foot to another, knife still pressed to a shaking (n/n)'s back. "I'll make it a little easier for you. You have ten seconds to get out or I'll stab her," My mouth dropped in shock and utter fear whilst Toga grinned. "See? Isn't that better! Aaaaaand one." She began counting, slowly, pouting as she did.

This does not make things easier.  (n/n) has become so important to me, if she died I didn't know what I would do. She's my everything. I love her.

"Twoo." Toga dragged out her words painfully, making (n/n) wince.

How had this happened? It was just a normal day at school and now.. this.


I couldn't lose her.


But how could I save her?


I looked around desperately. Is there any way I can sacrifice myself to keep her alive?


I feel so helpless. So stupid.


What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?


I met her eyes. They were no longer fearful for her own life, I could tell. She was scared for me.


I let out a breath of resignation and spoke the only words I could think of. "Make yourself bleed," Tears sprung into my eyes. "And touch her. End this." (n/n)'s eyes grew wide and she shook her head violently.

"You'll die too!" She yelled.

"But you won't," I spoke quietly. "Do it." She wouldn't, I knew she wouldn't. So I grabbed the nearest, sharpest thing I could find.

And prepared to throw it.

"Ten-" All in one motion I threw the scissors in my hand and the door swung open, which caught Toga's attention just long enough for (n/n) to knock the knife out of her hand and duck beneath the scissors. I ran forward and grabbed the knife, chucking it out of the window Toga had left wide open upon entering, and the figure who'd opened the door launched forward and tackled the villain to the ground.

"Gotcha!" He yelled. Me and (n/n) turned to see Bakugo on top of Toga, one hand pressed against her throat and the other binding her hands together tightly. He turned, breathlessly, to us. "I heard yelling and thought y'all were fucking, so I came to tell you to shut the hell up. I don't know if I'm more happy or horrified at how wrong I was." He said, same scowl crossed with a smirk as always painted on his face.

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now