Chapter Nine

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(y/n)'s POV


Acting as a team -because it hadn't been prohibited and I'd figured that part of the exam was seeing how well I could work with others- me, Sero, Midoriya, and Jirou took down the three 'villains' and approached the gate, out of breath. The fight was short, but difficult. Ultimately though, I didn't actually have to do much other than strategize, as my companions were all strong in battle. Much stronger than me, that's for sure.

"Would you like to do the honors, (y/n)?" Jirou asked with a small smirk, gesturing toward the exit gate. I nodded with a grateful smile and stepped forward.

My arms were tired, and I'd never been particularly strong anyway, especially since I hadn't been fed enough during my time at the LOV, but somehow I managed to muster up enough strength to plant my feet firmly in the ground and push open the large doors.

Once on the other side I sighed and sat down on the ground out of exhaustion, not even bothering to look up as Shota stepped forward and patted my head.

"Way to go kid." He praised in his monotone voice. I hummed in recognition, then saw his feet turn as he moved to face Midoriya, "I've got to go fill out some papers for (y/n)'s admission now, but why don't you come with me. I'd like to talk, after all, though in good intention I surmise, you did jeopardize her test."

I looked up at that, "Please don't get mad at him, but- d-did you say my admission?" I questioned, eyes wide.

"That's right." A high voice chirped from behind Shota. I turned my attention to the voice's source; a small white-furred bear like creature with a scar over one of his little beady eyes. "Hello child, my name is Principal Nezu, and as for your query, yes you heard Shota correct. You see, normally we'd take time to think it over, but as you are the only participant in this exam, we didn't need much time at all. I believe that you are perfectly qualified for our program, and not to mention you could certainly benefit from our help and teachings when it comes to your current situation and past. So, you are hereby accepted." The little animal put his hands behind his back and smiled.

I blinked in surprise. Accepted? 

Does that mean... I'm going to go to school? 


I couldn't quite believe it, no matter how much I ran it over in my head. I never thought I'd get to live any semblance of a normal life, and yet here I was, about to partake in one of the most normal parts of life. Getting an education surrounded by kids my age with a lot- not nearly as much as me, but still a lot- to learn and try and explore. School.

And not just any school, but a hero school. I hadn't thought about it before, but after all this time living with them, following their every order, their every whim, demand, I can finally forsake my life with, for, villains. And though I don't believe I'm worthy just yet, after everything I've done, I can work hard to become the polar opposite of a 'villain'. A hero. 

The perfect form of revenge on my young, scared, submissive, tortured past self, I suppose.

From killing to saving. From solitude to life surrounded by peers. Villain to hero.

Or hero in training, at least.

I doubt I can make up for all the LOV made me do, all I've done, but I can dedicate my life to others for once. Maybe that way I can at least salvage my hope to become a better person.

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now