Chapter Eleven

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I apologize for not posting last week. I had a crazy packed weekend and way too much homework. But I'm back now so anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Also everything I've published so far is a bit of a mess haha so once I upload a few more chapters I'll probably be going back and editing in addition to still uploading.

(y/n)'s POV


Hagakure had helped me move the couch over by the window, but since then she'd just been walking around the room inspecting things. The only reason I even knew that she was still there at all was because every once in a while she'd hum a little 'hmm'. I wanted to go to Jirou's room to talk with her, or downstairs to get Yoamomo for help with the curtains, but I thought it might come off at rude if I left while Hagakure was still there.

"It's kind of bland." Hagakure suddenly spoke.


"Give me one sec!"

Based on the rushed footsteps I assumed that she'd run off and waited awkwardly where I stood for her return. 

Then the door swung open again and I winced as it hit the wall. A floating.. something accompanied the suspended clothing of Hagakure and was thrust in my face.

"Here!" She exclaimed, urging me to take the fluffy pink object. "I thought your room needed a bit more of a feminine touch, so take this!"

"Oh uhm okay. Thank you." A feminine touch? I wondered.

I took a look at the object, which appeared to be a large stuffed animal I surmised was meant to resemble a penguin. Though I'd never seen a pink penguin before. I found it a little odd, both the gesture and actual stuffed animal itself. Still, I hugged it to my chest, as I couldn't help but feel a little happy that I'd just received my first ever.. well, my first ever gift.

I smiled warmly at Hagakure and gave her a more genuine thanks. She squealed, scaring me half to death, said that I was 'too cute for words' and then promptly ran off back to her room.

I just stood there for a moment, overthinking the odd interaction, then decided to move on as it wasn't going to make any sense to me any time soon.

After she'd left I didn't have much to do other than the curtains, which I'd about given up on, so I decided to head over to Jirou's room.

I walked down the hall for a few moments before spotting her name plate next to a door and peaking my head in.


Jirou's POV


"Hm?" I raised my head from where I was kneeled down peeling at the old carpeting and smiled lopsidedly. I kind of wish (y/n)'d use my first name, it just seems like it'd feel more right, but I have only known her for a little over a week. Hurriedly, I got up and opened the door to gesture for her to come inside. 

Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now