Chapter Fifteen

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heyo, this chapter is only half the normal length because of a packed weekend, so I'm really sorry to those of you who have been waiting for an update! but dw, I'll make up for it next week with an extra long, extra fluff-filled chapter :)

(y/n)'s POV


Unsurprisingly to me, Jirou won her fight, and of the next one- between Shoji and Bakugo- Bakugo came out the winner. Now it was time for me to go back in, but this time, as the villain. The hero.... would be the angry blonde himself.

This wasn't exactly great. Of all my new classmates he was the one that I knew the least about so far, even after our conversation- if you could call it that- at lunch. All I could tell as of now was that he was strong, ambitious, and didn't show much mercy to opponents. Or to friends for that matter. None of which were qualities that I figured were going to work in my favor.

Not to mention, this meant that my first time fighting again since "being a villain" would be as a "villain", which didn't sit right with me. Although I suppose I never really fought on excursions with the LOV, I mostly just stayed still and tried not to have a breakdown while they used me and my blood for their evil deeds. This fact actually made things worse now, because it meant that I had no battle experience whatsoever, and here I was. Going against Bakugo, of all people.

Some teacher it was that thought this was a good idea. I shot a quick look of distaste at Allmight before I felt guilty and looked back away.

They're just trying to help you. All of them. So you might as well try your best as well, I told myself.

"Get in the water already newbie, I don't have all day!" Bakugo shouted angrily, already in place at the front of the boat.

"Her name's (y/n)." Jirou corrected. I sent her a grateful glance, to which she smiled before blushing and looking back away. I sighed, and then approached the edge of the boat where Midoriya was waiting for me to get in.

That was the other thing, he was supposed to be the victim. And from what I've seen so far, it seemed apparent that Bakugo had some sort of grudge against him, which I figured meant he would be even more aggressive during our match.

Before the broccoli haired boy and I got into the water Bakugo approached him and whispered something in his ear that made his face contort a little in fear, furthering my hypothesis.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He nodded,

"I'm about used to Kacchans threats by now."

"Wait Kacchan? Isn't that the boy you were talking about when I saw you at the mall? I didn't know that was Bakugo-"

"Ahah that was so long ago I'd hoped you'd forgotten about how awkward I'd been." Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck with a pained expression. I shrugged and he ruffled his hair before jumping into the water.

I followed suit, already a little afraid of how I was supposed to keep myself and him afloat with my limited aquatic skills.

"You know," Midoriya started as we began swimming out towards our starting position, "I've never seen Jirou like that with anyone. Usually she's pretty unenthusiastic, and sometimes a little difficult to motivate, but she seems to have lots of energy around you. Not to mention she smiles a whole lot more."


"I guess it makes sense though, you are Eri's sister after all, and she brings out the softer side of everyone-" After we'd reached our position Midoriya continued to talk, but his voice faded to the background of my thoughts as I began wondering about what he had said.

Was it true, was she really only like that with me? If so.. everyone else sure is missing out.

"Ack!" I momentarily lost the ability to tread water and dropped down beneath the face of the lake for a moment before resurfacing.

"Ah! Are you okay, (y/n)?!"

"Mhm, fine. Thanks Midoriya." I responded, awkwardly taking the arm he offered, both to keep contact for the purpose of the exercise, and to regain my stability.

Note to self: don't think and swim.

Jirou's POV


Did she just.. drown.. for like 0.5 seconds? What a weirdo. An adorable weirdo though. I mean-

"It looks as though everyone's ready, so starting the countdown now. 3, 2, 1, go!" Allmights voice sounded, both audible at a too-loud volume from right next to me, and through the megaphone speakers, which was hell on my abnormally sensitive ears.

"I don't think I can watch this." Kirishima whined from next to me. I turned to him with an eyebrow cocked, urging him to elaborate.

"Well I'm sure (y/n)'s strong, or else she wouldn't have been excepted into the hero course-"

"Mineta." Shoji stated, contradicting Kirishima's reasoning and making me laugh.

"Er, well, okay so maybe don't compare her to Mineta.. but what I mean is I'm sure she's strong, but putting her up against an angry Bakugo so up front like this? It seems a little harsh."

Shoji nodded.

"I agree." Tokoyami stated.

"I don't know.." Personally I'd learned not to underestimate anyone- well, other than Shoji's previous example that is- and (y/n) also didn't strike me as the weak type, but some of her words and actions, as well as the words and actions of our teacher, had lead me to believe that her quirk wasn't normal. Perhaps dangerous even. So I was a little nervous for her going up against Bakugo as well.

I looked down at the water, it'd already been about twenty seconds, but surprisingly not even Bakugo had moved yet. He seemed to be assessing the situation, maybe a little wary of the unknown.

But then, he positioned his hands behind him, and as I saw them begin to heat up I had to fight the urge to warn his opponent. Wait-


Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now