Saving New Agamand

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--Hurley's POV--

The town of New Agamand was in flames. It was burning like the flames at the center of the city where this all started.

I watched as the others scrambled. They ran to a well and started splashing water on the fires, but that was when we looked up. A massive dragon was breathing a constant stream of flame, reigniting any buildings we doused.

We needed to fight it. Hetria started combat with it by firing a spiked arrow at it, which piereced its armor along with the flesh. She proceeded to fire even more arrows at the hole in the armor with extreme accuracy.

When it dived down to her level, Nincaro pounced and stabbed it through the neck with her dagger, popping a vein and causing blood to spray all over her.

I charged in and hit it with my sword, tearing off a massive chunk of its side along with the metal covering that portion.

After it took a few more blows from me and Nincaro, Toaky bombarded it with shadowy missiles and seared its flesh with dark fire.

I watched as Asyria called down a pillar of fire, which severly burned its back after the column hit the beast right there.

After taking a massive amount of injuries, the creature flew away from us and fled in to the distant land nearby.

We managed to put out the fires after that and immediately went to talk to an undead woman known as "Hacksaw" Jenny, who the leader at the landing told us would be able to provide help.

"Uh...hello...Hacksaw Jenny." I said nervously upon seeing her crazed grin and the blood covered butcher's cleaver she was wielding.

"Hello..." she said madly. "You must be the ones the man at the landing sent."

"We...are." I replied awkardly. She looked at us for a second and then said "Goods. Just call me Jenny while I am helping you on your way to victory".

She grinned at us expectantly until we finally gave in and did our best insane grins in response. After we did that, she clapped her hands once.

"Okay! Great! Well, I know exactly what you are looking for." she said with a wild grin toward us. "Slightly to the west of here lies a massive stronghold, where the Vrykul are taking their Proto-Drakes and using this strange relic thingy to empower them."

"How does this help us?" I heard Fiona ask in a suspicious voice. Jenny replied by grinning and then said "Well, this little Gnome lady stopped by earlier and she said the relic would be useful if you can manage to get your hands on it."

At that moment, an ear shattering shreek shook the whole town.

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