Back Woods

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Hey guys, real quick life update, there will be a short one shot after this.

So basically I'm kinda on the very edges of the Ant & Dec fandom. I haven't been following any new content recently and I've just been busy simping for minecraft YouTuber's (I'm sorry, I'm such a fangirl) Anyway, I'm going to try to get back into it but at the moment it's hard.

Online school is like the most annoying stuff ever, and my city is like the only one In the state still doing it full time.  I'm just tired of everything, today was a very emotional day for me. I had an argument with my Mom literally about peanut butter, and it just led to other things. Everyone is at the end of their tether here. I know no one is pressuring me to write but I just feel really bad about not doing it.

Anyway's thanks for listening to my rant. I was just gonna talk about how I wasn't really fully in the fandom anymore but that turned to other things haha sorry.

Here's the Oneshot you have been waiting for. It's really short.

Loosely Based on a story that we had to read for English Class.

Dec walked carefully through the woods behind his house, It had gotten darker than he thought it would, and now he was roaming around in the pitch black with only the light from the moon shining through the leaves. He shivered beneath his light sweater, he cold wind bit at his long nose and exposed fingertips. 

He looked down at them before tucking them safely into his pockets. He was yet to be sure why he had even entered the woods in the first place. He continued to walk hearing the leaves crunching beneath his feet, He saw a light shining from the floor and furrowed his eye brows confused. 

He walked closer to the bright light and saw that it was coming from a hole in the ground he walked up carefully and peered over the edge. Inside was a tall man with black hair cooking food. The gap was large enough for him to fit through he contemplated calling out to the raven haired figure. 

Before he could give it much thought a bird flew behind him and Dec shrieked falling into the hole. He him the floor with a quiet Oof. He looked up to see the man look at him a soft smile plastered on his face. 

Dec blushed slightly and the man put his hand forward to help Dec up. 

"What's your name?" The tall man asked Dec.

"Oh uh Declan but most people call me Dec. Listen I'm sorry for-" 

Dec was about to apologise but was cut off abruptly.

"Hi Dec, I'm Anthony. What brings you here."

Anthony still stood with the same mesmerising smile and Dec couldn't help but question his slightly strange behaviour. 

"I was just walking through the woods and I fell in by accident."

"That's alright it happens all time. But It's rarely a man as cute as you."

Dec couldn't help but blush redder again.

"Would you like anything Declan? Tea perhaps?"

"Uh sure."


Dec was put off by the Anthony's welcoming behaviour. Dec had just fallen into his home and now he was serving him tea. Dec couldn't help but trust him though with that face. Dec was just being paranoid.

A few minutes later Tea was placed in front of him and he drank it. It was very good.

Dec was alarmed when he heard some noises from under the room.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Just my roommates."

"Oh okay." Dec said. But still suspicious. "Listen I should probably get going." Dec said standing up

"No no. Stay, I don't normally get visitors." Anthony replied standing up as well.

Anthony moved closer to Dec's face until they were inches away from touching. 

"Please stay the night..." Anthony said and then kissed Dec.

Dec was taken by surprise, but kissed back. It became more passionate and heated and Dec quickly realised that they were moving. Soon enough he found himself shoved against a door. That's when Anthony pulled away. Dec looked to see that Ant's hand was on the handle ready to turn it. A glint of evil flashed across Anthony's eyes and Dec looked up at him scared.

"W-What are you doing...?" Dec asked.

"Introducing you to my roommates." He whispered and he opened the door behind him pushing Dec in. 


His roommates were snakes...

I'm done. He he.

Hope you enjoyed. I don't know when I will update again but stay tuned I guess. 

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