They're Just Like Me

200 6 4

Isla is 20

Dec and Ali got divorced when she was 13

Song Isla sings is 'Older' By Sasha Sloan

A little less of an 'Ant & Dec' fic

Isla PoV

I walked inside my flat and put down my bags and Keys, I sighed with a bit of sadness. My Day had been going pretty good until earlier this afternoon when my boyfriend called me to say he was breaking up with me. Classy... I thought, rolling my eyes. I was surprised when I didn't break down crying. Yes I had loved him, very much. But I guess I had more sympathy and understanding for my parents. My Dad, Dec, and my Mom, Ali, had been married for 18 years, but I guess the love had kinda died. That's what they told me anyway. I remembered how I had gotten so mad, I told them I hated them and stormed to my room. I heard them arguing only minutes later so I did the thing I had done countless times before, I listened to music. It had always brought me joy and made me forget about my life. 

I was ungrateful back then, I took my parents for granted. I took for granted the fact that I had a happy family for 13 years of my life which is a lot more than a lot of other families could have. At least my parents were on talking terms. I could visit either one of them whenever I wanted. All I had to do was ask. I remember every day not being able to look them in the eyes because of what they took away from me. I thought my entire life was ruined, It wasn't. I continued to pursue a career in music and both Ali and Dec supported me entirely. I forgave them after about two years and they moved on to new people. 

My thoughts drifted back to my now ex-boyfriend, He had called me and I could hear the tears in his voice. We had been distant for a while, I was busy with music, and he was busy with school. I guess I thought we could fix it but we weren't able to. He told me that he had found someone else but that he would never hate me, and of course I could never hate him. We had been dating for four years. We thought it would last forever, but that was young love I guess. It rarely works out. I flopped down onto my bed with another huge sigh and put my headphones on so that I could listen to the melody that I had been playing with for a while now but I wasn't sure what lyrics would fit it. I wrote down all of my jumbled thoughts and rearranged them so that they would make lyrics. 

After writing the lyrics and re-organising them several times I looked up and smiled proudly at my work. I slid of the bed gently and walked over to the keyboard at the other side of my room. I sat down and placed my fingers gently on the keys. I took a deep breath and let the melody flow through my and instantly I relaxed letting the music take over my body...

I used to shut my door while my mother screamed in the kitchen

I'd turn the music up, get high and try not to listen

To every little fight, 'cause neither one was right

I swore I'd never be like them

But I was just a kid back then

The older I get the more that I see

My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me

And loving is hard, it don't always work

You just try your best not to get hurt

I used to be mad but now I know

Sometimes it's better to let someone go

It just hadn't hit me yet

The older I get

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