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I know! Another update so soon! Don't get used to it, It's only because this book is new and because you guys really liked the last one. There's some of A/D pairing and some not. 

Enjoy x

Dec walked over to a young woman who was looking out at the storm coming in over the water.

Dec had been out at the pub having a few drinks. Well, actually he had more than he cared to admit, but in his drunken haze he hadn't noticed the cameras behind her.

He looked at the woman eyeing her up and down before approaching her and saying, not too quietly, "You're pretty..."

The woman turned around to look at him still a bit shocked. "Uh thanks sir, but I'm not sure you're aware that you are on live TV." She said before turning around again and pointing at the cameras.



I heard footsteps downstairs and assumed it was Ant, so I went back to watching the football. I was about to fall asleep when I heard Ant yell from the kitchen. 

"Declan!? You left the stove on again! It burnt the pan!"

"Oops." I said loud enough for Ant to hear, but I quickly buried my head back in my pillow, leaving Ant to take care of it.


Dec's phone rang beside him and he glanced at the caller ID and answered quickly.

Ant: Hiya Dec, How's Ali?

Dec: How am I supposed to know, she's not here. remember?

Ant: Seriously Dec!? You were supposed to pick her up from the airport 15 minutes ago!

Dec: Oops. Gotta Go.


I sat on the balcony looking out at the city. It was hot today so I was staying inside. I had been staying at a hotel for work and I had a day off, I was originally going to go out but it was too hot so I instead settled on relaxing and watching people go about their day. I was about to reach for my phone when I felt something cold hit me on the head, the next thing I knew I was completely soaked. 

My mouth hung open in shock as I looked at my soaking wet body.

I looked up suspiciously when I heard giggling. Above me was a very adorable man.

"Oops." He said innocently and continued to laugh some more.

I soon rushed out of my room and took the elevator to the next floor in order to got to the cute man's room.

I knocked on the door and as soon as he opened it I kissed him hard on the lips. At first he tensed slightly but soon after that he kissed me back. 

After we pulled apart he invited me inside his room.

"Ant. My name is Ant." I said breathlessly, still dripping with with water. 

"Mine's Dec." He said, giving me a winning smile.


"Ant!" I shouted. He poked his head out from the door frame, blinking at me confusedly.

"You didn't pay the cable bill this month! I really wanted to watch the telly." I whined.

Ant came out from the room and looked at me. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered seductively in my ear. 

"Oops. I guess we'll have to do something else then."


I know It was short, but I hope you enjoyed it. 

Until next time x

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