wherever i go, you bring me home

Start from the beginning

"Oh, only the most beautiful woman in the universe."

She only blushed and rolled her eyes, muttering, "You're a fool, Gilbert Blythe."

"I love you too, Carrots."


At Bright River, Marilla, Bash, Hazel, and the Pyes waited. Hazel had Delphine in her arms, the chocolate curled baby squealing in joy when she saw Anne and Gilbert approach with Alex and Josie following behind closely. 

"It's a crime that I've been kept from seeing my niece for so long," Gilbert announced as soon as he approached them, taking Delphine from Hazel with an adoring smile. He kissed both of her chubby cheeks, blowing a raspberry against them when she tried to tug on his dark curls.

If it weren't for certain ridiculous notions of propriety, Anne would've leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, simply for being the criminally charming boy she had grown to love more than life itself. "And I guess I've missed you too," he tacked on at the end, sparing Bash a fleeting and playful grin.

"Well, Merry Christmas Eve to you too, Blythe. Next time you get sick, at least send a telegram so my mother knows not to set your place at dinner," Sebastian teased, embracing his brother from the side for a lingering moment, careful not to squish his daughter.

He turned to Anne with a genuine smile, embracing her too. "And thank you, Queen Anne, for bringing this irritating moke home all safe and sound."

Meanwhile, Josie had some of her own introductions to do.

"We'll discuss your impertinence later, dearest," her mother said sharply, sniffing with airs of a haughty queen, despite being nowhere close in stature nor standing. "But you have company to introduce us to." She referred to Alex who was standing behind Josie with a heartening grin.

"Yes," Josie sighed, trying not to roll her eyes. "Mother, Father, this is Alexander Whitmore. He is... my beau. I'm sure you've received his letters."

"We have. He seems like an upstanding member of the community," her father said coldly, glaring daggers at her. She could sense the extra meaning implied. ...so why would he like someone with a sullied reputation? Josie almost groaned, knowing it was almost certain they thought some improper arrangement was at hand.

Alex shook his hand firmly, trying not to express his annoyance at her parents treating his darling Josie in such a way.

"Pleased to meet you, sir. You can call me Alex. I'm staying at the Blythe-Lacroix household for the holidays. You see, my family hasn't completely situated in Ottawa, their new permanent residence."

"If you don't want to stay with...such people, I'm sure we could find room for you in our abode," Mr. Pye remarked, looking upon Sebastian and Hazel with a disdainful sneer. 

Alex raised his eyebrow, knowing what they were referring to, but desperately wanting to be wrong. It occurred to him for the thousandth time since meeting her how much strength Josie had to not only be a civil person, but grow into a progressive person when her parents didn't even feign a semblance of tolerance or respect.  How could anyone hate such good and hospitable people, regardless of their color or origin? "I'm not sure I comprehend."

"Well, they're colored folk," he half spat, giving the family a dirty look. Josie half wished she was part of that familial circle, the Cuthberts and the Blythe-Lacroixs. The two families had grown ever closer over the years, and the connection between any two of the members of that group was undeniably affectionate. Even Anne and Mrs. Lacroix had a closer bond than she had with her mother these days, and it truly pained her. And perhaps if she was Anne's sister, she could be spending her holidays traipsing around the woods with her and Alex in the evenings rather than sipping tea that she didn't even care for at high noon.

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