"The creampie compilation. The living example that the next day pill not always work", he jokes.

"Morning.... Good morning", We hear Sam's groggy voice. "I'm hungry", she announces. "why are you two all glowing?"
"It is Christmas morning!", I say, trying to cheer her up.

"Can we skip to the part that we open the presents?", she says. someone is moody this morning. "What is all this stuff?", she looks at Irvin's present, and I thought something would click in but nothing.

"I go something for you, Sam", I go to the kitchen and get a box of donuts.

"Where did you find Dunkin Donuts in this hell hole? Now I'm awake", she says. As she opens the box, I see that she takes one and bites on it and look forward to the box upper part. "Are you kidding me?"

 "No Sam, I'm not", she hugs me tightly

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"No Sam, I'm not", she hugs me tightly. 'Don't smash the baby, please', we hear Irvin's voice, and he is in fact worried, I giggle due to his preoccupation.

"I'm happy for you. I do prefer a dog though. I like being an only child, no offence"
"Sam, there are three dogs laying behind you. And you will like him"
"HIM?", she screamed. "I said I wanted a sister not a brother"
"That is on you dad. He chose the gender", I know she understands these stuffs. She isn't stupid and she isn't a little kid anymore.
"But when did you have sex? He is always working. And don't do the 'baby arrived with a pigeon' because I know it didn't", she asked as if I was in fact going to tell her.

"I guess he is not always working then", I say. I fell him moving behind me, uncomfortable with the subject. I guess for him, as a dad and as a man, is hard to talk about sex with his own kid. "And it wasn't a pigeon", I laughed.

"I guess I'll eat the donuts and forget the image of you two..."


"Harper this is Viola, my sister"
"Hey, nice to meet you. He finally settled down.", she chuckled. I feel a little uncomfortable, maybe because her personality makes presence. She laughs and people genuinely look at her. She is perfect, but weirdly have a dark blond hair, different from Irvin and Peter, whose hair are black.

"You have an accent", Sam says. "I didn't like her accent, Harp, I prefer yours", I want to kill Sam right now. She is tall, bigger than me and with long nails, if she wants to kill me, the only thing she has to do is bump on me. I squeeze her arm and she get she is not supposed to be saying things like that. Sam doesn't do well with strangers. She is my little ginger chihuahua, angrier than a Pitbull.

"You didn't change kid", Lily says. "But you became domestically at least", Lily mocked Sam and gave her a hug. "Loved the hair, by the way. It fits you, better than that washed blond, like you aunt Vi's hair. Horrible". Hearing them talk like that give me stomach butterflies, or was I about to get sick? The doctor said it would get better, but it is not. She said some women stop getting sick some don't. But really, she said that about her own daughter, what does she says about me? "Excuse me, I'll be right back", I say. I cover my mouth and when I see that I was far from them I rush into the bathroom. I didn't eat one molecule of anything, but I keep getting sick and Jack said I have to keep hydrating. Well he doesn't know I'm pregnant, but he told me to keep drinking water.

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