Chapter 30 Demon : A friend from the past

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Chapter 30 Demon : a friend from the past
                   The afternoon skies are covered with dark clouds churning with thunder and lighting, The scene is like a storm has struck the land with heavy rains and wind.  Divine energies are getting thicker by the minute, congregating where the divine component is located. Spirit beasts that has high cultivation are in the area,waiting for the right time.
                    Groups of Cultivators started to gather  in the Land near the volcano where the divine component is being born. The four major clans and sect are still observing the gathering of divine energy . Each of them make a barrier to protect themselves from any element thudding at them and spirit beast that try to hunt cultivators. From their place ,they can see the water in the lake inside the volcano is boiling from too much heat!
                   "My Lord, it seems it will still take a day or two before the divine will be born, " an elder report to the Fang Clan Lord. The Lord nod and  silently watching the volcano being wreck by the huge amount of divine energies.
                   " Gather everyone in this level, don't make any moves until my command," he gave simple instructions to the elder . Even if he wants to do some underhanded method to ensure the possession of  that divine component, He won't do any drastic move in this Land.
                   " This is far more powerful than the last divine component we've seen... that person , Did he knew beforehand that something like this will happen here?," The Clan lord is mulling over something that happen in the past. A Special person from his clan once told him to do the convention here in Tianxin ,as there will be an interesting thing  to be unfold for them all .
                     "Is this what he means by interesting thing?," He had a feeling that there is something more. The Divine component might be important, but all of the major clan has something like it.  For that person to say interesting,it will definitely something incredible, he doubted ,this is it what he is talking about. He thinks it is something far larger scope than this.
                     He look at the direction where the Song clan is. One thing more,The white wolf from before is acting tamed infront of the second young master of Song, which is too strange!. All the major clan higher-ups recognized that wolf and how important it is in Tianxin. A Guardian spirit . One who can trample his own Clan's guardian spirit, and can kill cultivators without qualms. This White wolf is too powerful that it dominates all the spirit beast in Tianxin!
                  And now ,he heard that young master Song disappeared with that white wolf. He can't help but suspect on something. But all of it will remain suspicion, whatever happens to Song Xi,he is out of it ,He'll never dare touch the second young master Song matters. He don't have a death wish.

                      Clan Lord Xuan Wu is inside a tent that is surrounded by his Clan's barrier, there are three clan members sitting around  him with a spell array under them. Lord Xuan Wu sitting in the center is looking at the staff on his hand . It keeps on vibrating as if something inside is about to come out. He conjured a spell in his finger and  give it a light tap. The staff moves slower like out of energy until it finally stay still. He snorted out of disgust.
                         Then remember what is happening outside and his mood gets better.
                      "The luck is on my side,a divine component !,to think something like that show itself here, I can finally settle everything, this boon fasten my road to success! Haha , I have waited for so long ,and now,Just a  few days more,..." Clan Lord Xuan Wu said to himself with a little smile on his old face.
                       The three clan members didn't have any expression on their faces, they just continue murmuring words of spell that keeps transforming the array under them. The energy inside the tent keeps building up while on the outside. No one knew the Xuan clan is already started their move.

                 Everyone inside the Beast land is on a heavy atmosphere , pressure keeps building up on the seventh layer, the competition is underway. Every cultivators are on the move for a goal!.., except our Young master Song, who is currently enjoying a sump​tu​ous meal in the middle of a meadow, with a white wolf beside his leg and an incredible chef in a roll making a dessert infront of him. How relaxing time he had right now! It feels like he is not even inside the Beast land!
                  I know, I know, you'll say why are you still there? Aren't you supposed to go and watch or even help to get that divine component? Or how come , you eat that person's food, aren't you afraid he'll poison you?or aren't you afraid he'll found out you are a fake and just possessing that body?, You're not afraid he'll hack you to death ? You don't even know who's that man exactly...So on and so forth,but wait! Hold your horses everyone. Let me explain what happen moments ago.
                 I don't have any plans to stay here in the beginning, as I am about to leave something happen! He feels the black dragon  Wu Yun in the Land of Zhao inside him stand and growl so loud his ears are ringing! Its body is also  shining so bright! Arrays cover the dragons body and that huge dragon actually transform! He become a man! He almost gasp from shock! This Song Xi memories are really unreliable! How come he didn't remember that that dragon can transform?!
                 The man has a long dark hair, crimson eyes and crimson clothes. He is standing straight and looking up as if looking at him.
              "Master, master..please dont  leave...that master Zhen , You've have to meet him!,. " Wu Yun deep voice resonate in his ears.
             " Huh?? Why is that?and what's with your master Zhen?", He is taken aback with Wu Yun enthusiasm
              " Master ,few hundred years back ,you had an agreement with him. He is your partner Everytime you travel outside your clan,"
               "Wskskkskskstskf!!!... Such a important piece of information and yet this Song Xi just.....tsk!" He almost cursed but immediately let it out inside him
               "Maybe that's why I feel  familiarity toward this person",
                " Xin, are you going for that divine too??", Zhen stand near him and ask him with his quiet voice, he look up at the man's face as he only came up to his neck, this person is really tall! . He has a define jaw line and a high bridge nose, makes him wonder what he looks like without that blindfold . But enough of that!
                " Hhmm, I'll just look around." , He calmly answer, according to Wu Yun, this person is a friend,  If this person really is Song Xi's friend then it is more dangerous for him to be expose as he definitely know  Song Xi's habits.
                 "That thing won't come out for a few days, why don't we stay here and wait , then go there when it is time?",  Zhen said then take out something from his sleeves and give it to him.
                 " Here,  I saw this while travelling, I remember that you like collecting fans, this one is quiet special, be careful with it" ,
                 Song Xi look at the thing on his hand,a long box containing a fan made out of thin wood,delicate and intricately made ,a red tassle is hanging in its head,he take it out of the box and open it entirely.
                 "A flight treasure?," He recognized right away,after looking at the moving scenic view on leaf of the fan.
                  "The one I gave to you then got destroyed years ago, It is a replacement." A smile is hanging on Zhen's lips , then taking something out again from his sleeves.
                 " D***! Really? I am starting to feel that I don't really know this body I am possessing!
                  "Should I take this fan? If I ask Wu Yun about this person ,would he suspect about me? But he is inside my land of Zhao......" He is contemplating what to do next when Zhen call him.
                   He is almost floored when he saw what  Zhen is doing, in that few moments he didn't look, Zhen already set up a full dining table ,serve some appetizers, a screen to watch what's happening on the seventh level ,while Zhen conjured up a kitchen on the side and started cooking. He even had an apron....
              He woodenly stand there while watching everything infront of him. This is the first time he saw a cultivator who is cooking! And from just the looks and smell of it, it is definitely good food!!!.  His stomach almost growl from missing food so much! As a person from earth,he is used to eat two to three times a day, while in here, never! Even that one time his father gave him a bit of sweet is not counted as full meals. Cultivators don't need food to live ,they only need energy to absorbed .But eating is entirely different experience!!!,The aroma from the Zhen's side almost had him salivating over it.
             He didn't notice how his eyes is getting brighter by the minute. A small gulp. The white wolf beside him notice and gave him a look of disappointment. Like it wants to tell him "you are already sold with just that?"
              Zhen looks at him still standing and call him.
              "What are you still doing there?,come sit already ", Song Xi immediately come and sit ,while Zhen serve food beside him then sit on the opposite chair.
               "I miss this! Who said I can't find a good food inside Tianxin?", Zhen started eating , Song Xi look at the aromatic plate of egg fried rice infront of him,those golden yellow eggs,white rice with bunch of vegetables,bits of meat,ah! this is an authentic food ~then he taste a bit and after that,  he eat everything in a blur!
            What Wu Yun said is real! Absolutely real! He really need to meet this person! I will definitely meet this person anytime of the day!.
             The white wolf lounging beside his foot is already shaking its head. Its face is telling him
"You are hopeless, You're are already sold with just a meal! Cheap!"



The MC is OOC!!! (BL)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz