chapter 5 : The Protagonist terrible art of forgetting

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Chapter 5 : the protagonist terrible art of forgetting

In this world,there is this ability called Divine sense. It is how you can sense everything on a certain radius. The more powerful you are , the bigger scope of area you can sense. This is the first ability that I learn. I commend the original Song Xi for studying this much. It is like I am just reviewing everything he learned.
This dude is an old genius! In terms cultivation,His long list of knowledge is so vast and tremendous he can almost be a walking and talking search engine! And what's more is , he is a super fast one!
Being a level 12 mage is one of my big cheat too!

"But I need to familiarize myself to everything before anyone close to Song Xi find me again, that thing with the bear is already a failure! , I need to practice! Practice! And practice some more or else my head will fly without fail!" The pressure he is facing right needs immediate action, the sooner the better!
This room might have high defense but he already saw how people can see him through all that! Those people even charge in without notice!
" I need to go somewhere I can learn this things safely ,"
"Outside? Hhmm" , he jumped from the bed and spotted the hanged clothes that is neatly line on one side of his large room.
" Ack, my hair is already white, my skin is so pale I can't be any paler ,why does my clothes needs to be white too? Thanks God there are some bit of red on it or else I will look like a ghost." He grumble to himself while wearing the simple yet refined silvery moon robes . After he wore the long and soft velvety robes,He realize it is not simple as he thought it to be. The robe had a hidden formation engraved in its stitches. The red maples leaves in its wide sleeves are thrumming with life. Obviously, it is another layer of defense for him. Instead of clothes, this thing he wore is much more of an armor!
" With this kind of clothes, am I really just chillin' in my own home?" Then he remembered his ring, earrings, even his hair crown and a bit more he is wearing right now . All of it is loaded with formation and seals! Even his hand fan is a weapon!
" D***! Why does it felt like I am going to war? " His defense is too exaggerated! What am I? A cotton candy !? So fragile that always needs to be always guard at? Is the Original Song Xi so afraid to die to be armed to his teeth? He felt nausea assault his senses thinking how cowardly Song Xi is.
"No! I am approaching this wrongly, this dude is level12 mage! How can he be that coward? I bet this dude has an enemy so powerful he needs to be armed from head to foot!"
"Right! Who wouldn't have an enemy with his position?" A wave of nauseousness assault him. He can't help but rub his glabella after realizing his situation.
" Hah! Gotta move and practice! This kind of defense is a good thing too anyway" , facing the double door infront of , with a gulp, he stand straight, check his expression then walk elegantly and get out of his room.
Outside his room is another room with two person sitting straight on a mat facing towards his door . The person on the right is a young man with soft brown hair carefully tied on his back and wearing red robes. While the person on the left is a middle aged man with thick glasses , he wore layers of neat white long robes with light blue designs in its wide sleeves, he looks cold and strict. The two of them kneel and bow towards him.
Ah ,this two, They are included to those people who barge into his room. The younger man is the one who calls him the most that time,while the middle aged one only stands at the back and watch everything unfold.
Looking at them, He fished out their names in his sea of memories. The younger one is Song Jue , the other is Wu Rufeng.
"Young Master " Song Jue is a lanky young man with a gentle smile directed at him. He looks eager and kind.
"My Lord" Wu Rufeng is the kind of servant who is on the serious side.
"Hhmm, I will go out" he answered plainly.
Song Jue calls him Young master yet Wu Rufeng calls him Lord. Why is that?
"Going out?" Song Jue looks at him strangely before giving him a bright smile." Then we'll accompany you Young master" , the young man suddenly looks excited. Even Wu Rufeng stare at him before blinking a couple of times.
" This way my Lord" Wu Rufeng said with a gesture of where the way out.
Erm, this two are the nannies...f***! No way I will let you come with me! How can I practice if those two are with me?
" I want to be alone, you two stay here " he coldly said before walking briskly towards the double door across him. The two immediately stand up and chase after him.
"But Young master, we can't let you be alone in your condition" , he heard the soft panicked voice of Song Jue on his back, "Young master , please, let us go with you"
He felt the two nannies chase at him fast , he willed the double door to open and get out fast before leaving the two a glance and a cold "No" before slamming the doors shut.
Hah! As if I will let you . Now where to go?
He turned around the hallway and stop on his track. Soft light coming from outside flooded the ceiling to floor hallways. Immaculately clean and imposing with it's high ceilings.
F***, two rows of servants in their uniform are neatly align on both sides of the long hallway. Straight back and sitting quietly. All of them easily notice him shutting the door hard on his butlers faces. As if on cue. Those two rows of servants bows and greet towards him. His lips twitched before nodding to them and with long strides, He walks back again to his room!
Wtf!? Just how many nannies do I have?!!! He thought those two is too much but he under estimate the Song clan! They gave him an entire brigade ! This is crazy!
Back, back, back!
where will I go to? Hhmm, Somewhere safe to practice.....
He is having such thoughts while opening the door of his room again when suddenly the floor he is standing at disappeared! He is plunging down blindly!!!
"What the f***! Why the heck I am always falling?!!!

Just a moment after closing the door and his disappearance, the door open again with Song Jue and Wu Rufeng hastily coming out. The group of servants also looks at the two of them. They look around and found no Song Xi in the vicinity!
"Where is the Young Master?", Song Jue ask the lady at the very front of the ladies in waiting.
"The Young Master enter the room where you came from", the lady said nervously. Both of them gone stiff before looking at each other then use divine sense to find their young master.
"Gone..." Song Jue said with a gulp.
" Find him" Wu Rufeng face turned grim. The two of them bring out a small rectangular plate and crushed it. In just few moments , more than a dozen of cultivators wearing red and white robes appeared around them.
Song Jue stand infront of the red robes cultivators, there is no sign of the smiling and kind young man infront of Song Xi a while ago. There is only an over whelming and oppressive aura around him. He led the red clad cultivators outside , while Wu Rufeng , colder than before gives command to the white clad cultivators. Both of them are to find where their young master gone to! They need to find him fast! Or else all hell breaks loose!
The servants left in the vicinity walk towards a different part of the mansion. Moments after, multiple formations are erected around the area!.

Currently our lost little protagonist fall face down first in the field of grass. Inelegant and utterly graceless with his butt sticking out in the air, he jump out and fall again on his feet when he saw where he is!
"Lucky ! No one see me faceplant .....ah, where is this?," He is stunned while he looked around his surrounding.
The place is a grassland with mountains and rivers. The view seems endless ,in the blue windy sky, there is this huge transparent black tower that is superimposed . On far south he saw a mountain that is glittering gold ,
This! He know this place. This is Song Xi's secret pocket dimension. It is The land of Zhao!
"So that's the trick,a simple thought can open this dimension," as it's owner, He knows every part of this land. He can feel every sliver of wind , drop of water and every beast that's roaming . Total control is in his hands. This is one of the reason why I keep telling that Song Xi is amazing, to create something like this is beyond astounding even in Yong Yuan Dalu. And this is also one of Song Xi's secret. He never divulge to anyone that he has his own dimension.
" I will say it again And again, this Song Xi is a true genius! Eyes glittering filled with amazement , he looked around and be astounded .
In the center of the Land of Zhao,there are few palaces where Song Xi keep his treasures. One grand white palace is his home when he stay in this place for longer time. With just a thought ,he is already outside of a massive white palace . In its gate , There is a black dragon lying. Majestic and imposing. It stand when it saw him. Head lowered, it said with its loud guttural voice "master,"
Our little protagonist can't help pausing while staring at the huge mass of black infront of him. "D*** ! The frickin dragon talks!" He screamed inside his head . He is impressed! Hands down!
As the original Song Xi ,he nods and didn't pay attention to it anymore. But deep inside , the earthling inside him is screaming wildly!
"Damn! That's a live dragon!not a fossil!! And I am even its master! How fuckin' good is that!!," He is chortling inside. He really wants to laugh out loud but that is OOC for this Song Xi.
"Hold it in ,need to hold it in," excitement keeps bubbling inside this earthling.
But no matter how he tried to review Song Xi's memory, why didn't he remember where he got this dragon?,he know that its name is Wu Yun...Hhmm,...why is that?",
He is even more surprised that he don't feel any fear not nervousness towards the huge reptile! Based on what he read when he was still on earth, dragons re supposed to be revered and majestic being. The type of existence that make anyone be wary and bow down to their legendary status.
"Am I that OP that I wouldn't even care that there's a dragon infront of me?hehehhe" , ehem! Ehem! " Stop your smile!stupid! "
In the midst of his fight with himself to not smile, He already step on the vicinity of the sprawling palace. He can only describe it as majestic and massive. Just this palace alone has hundred rooms. Some are empty,some he used as pill concoction room, some use as library. Most of the rooms are used to keeps treasures ,while some he can't remember.
But the top most level room is the most important. With countless seals and protection, There is this thing floating inside a cylinder glass in the center of a room. A life crystal. But he can't remember who's life crystal is this.
Life crystal is important to mages and Cultivators. In their whole life they can only produce one from their own soul. It is an ancient technique that is forgotten in this generation . A life crystal can act as a defense for those who have it. But the condition is The owner of the life crystal can only bestow it to certain person by linking their soul. It can never be stolen nor be used by other than the given to .It is important that this kind of protective amulet is usually given to a life partner. The life crystal can only be destroyed by the one whose given it to. The moment it is destroyed means the death of the owner.
"This life crystal is too unfair with its owner, But Song Xi,how dare you forget the one who gives you his own life crystal? That's terrible!,how can you be so forgetful? aren't you afraid of it biting your head off in the future? Err I am in your body now, am I the one who's going to be bitten with my head off? ," He can't help but lament at Song Xi. "That's damn terrible....,"
After moments of excitement and guilt. He remembers the reason he is inside this pocket dimension.
" Hai, enough of that now as I really need to study all of Song Xi's ability and memories " . He find a room where he can cultivate and sit on the floor mat , crossed his legs and started his review for his future . Forgetting his disappearance will be a massive affair in their clan.


"Don't let me capture you...,"

- Blackbox

A/N : This is the revised version of Chapter 5.

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