Chapter 23 Demon : The Young masters of Clans

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Chapter 23 Demon :  The Young masters of Clans
                     The entrance to the Beasts land is a minor teleportation spell . Upon entering, Song Xi is teleported on the sixth level. You might ask, how does Song Xi able to enter the sixth level while he is level 12 mage? Isn't he cheating? Well, apart from him masking his level by his own spell, Song Xi's  land of Zhao has tons of treasures , He found different kinds of it just thrown in a stash of weapons. It seems like this dude is the kind of cultivator who likes to roam around hiding his own identity in the past.He saw  this black earring that Song Xi craft in the past and decided to wear it. This little thing can hide even the presence of a level 12 mage  and supreme Practitioner. And yes , he is cheating. But as long as he didn't reveal his level, No one would know.
                      The palanquin appeared in a lake inside a forest. He immediately activate his divine sense to inspect his surrounding. There's no cultivator near him but some spirit beasts are alerted instantly when they feel someone is proving.
                     " Oh, there's something on the lake?, Hhmm, just a white snake, where can I find the Lizard? , It's been three days and still no one ever saw it ?" He leaned his head on his hand and just let the palanquin fly slowly . " So peaceful, but not as beautiful as land of Zhao ",
                     " Is that a bird flying?, Cute~" his excitement is bubbling inside  in the passing hundred meter long bird, then he saw a group of huge gorillas eating their prey.
                    " gorillas? Too bloody," another comment from our Protagonist In his vacation mode.
                     " Good view, fresh air ,a bit of wild life, just add sweets and this little excursion will be perfect~"
                      He just watched the view in a expressionless face outside and a tourist on his first safari tour inside.
                        Meanwhile, outside the Beast Land, a group of young masters are in a balcony near the entrance. They watched Song Xi enter with his  palanquin.
                        " He make himself a palanquin made out of the pure energies in a blink of an eye ...., This is too absurd!", Chu LIngfei said under his breathe.
                      " Too fast, absorption rate, condensation to forming, he's just too fast!" Another young master from nine star Alliance
                    " Of course! It will be easy for him!, He's a mage," Bai Rongjun from Rain sword sect said in vehemently.
                    "Jealous? Hahaha,, Bai Rong Jun , does any mage from your clan can do something that fast? How fast? Like one hour, one day or a week?" Xuan Li taunt the proud young master.
                      "My sect is specialized in  Practitioners, but mages flock to us , do you think I will be jealous of one mage from other clan?, "
                      " Flock to your clan ?! Shameless! , My sect is a mages school,complete with best education to be a great mage, we are littered with mages from the foot of the mountain to the top, why would they go to your clan full of barbarians?" , A man just came and tirade immediately to Bai Rong jun ,he is from the Sublime mages school ,Xiao Xiong. Unlike all the young masters here, he is of the same generation as Song Xi.
                     " Young master Xiao , it seems like you really exert some effort to be here , I heard you are in the far North, dealing with those disgusting curse demons, " Chu LIngfei walk towards the newly arrived Xiao Xiong.
                     ". Tsk, don't make me remember that hellish spawn of devils." Xiao Xiong sit in the available chair and gesture to steward to give him tea. " You all are having a relaxing time here , when does your shameless arses going to the far Northern border?"
                     " What for? To be a subordinate of Golden king or to be killed by that storm bringer?," Xuan Li answered with a snort.
                    " What's the matter with that? Golden king is an amazing commander," the silent Meng Shi said.
                     " Of course you'll said that after all  he is your cousin!," Rongjun sneered to him. Meng Shi look at Rongjun and gives him a little smile " Rongjun , your jealousy is stinking so much, it is disgusting "
                    " Rongjun was trashed by golden king a long time ago, maybe he is afraid he'll be trash again when he come to Northern border" , Chu feiling laughed at the young master of Rain sword sect.
                     " Chu Feiling!!! You-!!,"
                     " Enough nonsense, brats, " Xiao Xiong cut their taunts. He might be from different clan but he is respected far and wide, Far more with the generation after him.
                      " Song Xi enter the sixth level, who would dare touch him there?, " He is more interested in the person of his generation. His rival long ago. He heard Song Xi was greatly injured two hundred years ago and almost never leaves their island , while he joined the battle in the far North.He is more familiar with this person than this young brats here.
                      "Yes, I doubt the people around sixth level can fight him , maybe if they allied with other clans there's a chance," Xuan Li answered with an unhappy face." He should just go up to seven, then we'll have fun than here just watching him doing a stroll there at sixth,"
                   Xiao Xiong gives him a look then all the young masters here.
                    " Oh, you all wants to take a match with Song Xi? , Hahahhaah ,all of you are still lacking,", he laugh to the young brats around. This little young masters, they don't know the terror of white devil . But he can't entirely blame them, even he wants to do exactly that. He glance at the screen showing Song Xi in his palanquin,  watching the ferocious beast near him calmly as if they are cute pets ." Stop playing and go up to seventh white devil, it's been so long since our last fight," he silently whispered to himself.

                On the seventh level, Volcanoes, mountains and oceans are the type of  places that can usually be seen . In a mountaneous area ,a small volcano is sleeping for countless years. Inside it's crater is a clear lake. A man in red clothing is standing above the water and making seals around the whole volcano. Another three men came with the same clothing and help him with the sealing. They are the elders of Song Clan who is in the seventh level.
               " That thing is under the water, it is still forming. Don't let the divine energy around be noticeable," Elder Song Yingjie direct the three others. If this thing is really what he suspect. It will cause a huge sensation to all of Yong Yuan. They need to be careful and take it after it formed its peak state before anyone notice.
                  Three nod and focus all their power to cover the overwhelming divine energy that is starting to gather in this place.

" It is always raining out here, ...
It's so cold...
When are you going to wake up and take me again?
Please.., wake up already.....
                                              - black box -


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