Chapter 25 Demon : White Wolf

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Chapter 25 Demon : White wolf

Song Xi float to the sky , open his fan And sway it towards the Nether worm, it creates a translucent box type cage capturing the Netherworm. It tried to spew more gas poison trying to escape the cage but it is sturdy enough not to be melted by poisons . Its huge body keeps wiggling inside the cage but it only produce some rattle sounds and didn't damage it at all.
The man drop down to the ground when he realizes that he is out of danger . Xuan Tu went down the ground and inspect the bloodied man.
" Help.....,help me......, that nether won't be contained with ..only that..huuuh...., Anti...dote...uuhhhggg," the man is in terrible state , he has too many injuries, looks like he is bitten a few times by the netherworm, then there is the poison.
"Cannot be contained?, " Song Xi looks at the wiggling netherworm , he notice the eyes of its human face is producing a black gas, next is its mouth, the black gas covered the whole cage so fast!,
Then crack after crack appear in the cage!,parts of it started to melt. A deafening roar came from the black gas and slimy liquid started to flow to the ground.
" Damn it! That eating any spell! It's weakness is fire!," The man shouted weakly. He tried to stand but keeps falling down.Clearly ,he is out of spiritual energy on his body.
The netherworm came out of the dark gas, it is raging and spewing a different kind of poison! Its body is dripping with much more pus! The surrounding plants and trees started to die from the poisonous toxins.
" How can a netherworm be here?, That monsters supposed to be only seen at the north!" Xuan Tu muttered while taking his sword out . The blade is blazing when it leaves its sheath. It is even affecting the nearby surrounding as ground is on fire and the forest starts to burn just from the heat of the sword. It is the Burning star sword.
Xuan Tu is like a god of fire while holding his sword. Valiant and strong. The netherworm Loudly screech with hate when it feels the heat from the man near it. From afar Xuan Tu slash his sword towards the netherworm with force! It produces a wave of burning spiritual energy that attacks the enemy but it is met with a gush of liquid poison spew by the Netherworm! The attack of both of them explodes when met!
Song Xi's fan tip produces a strings of spell manifest in words and covers him for defense. The man on the ground has a defense talisman on himself and activate it fast.
" This Netherworm.... Only its poison is important., The body don't have any uses, not a good souvenir," Our MC is calmly assessing the said product. It's the perks of having enough powers and having a bodyguards nearby. He watch Xuan Tu fight force over force the slimy worm . They are on the same level, immortal Practitioner and immortal beast.
True immortal beast had a little advantage for his body cultivation and more spiritual powers stored in his body, but Xuan Tu is not an ordinary cultivator. This person is known for his fierceness in fight.
Not for long , the whole surrounding is covered with burning forest and gas smoke. It is terrible. Xuan Tu is frowning. His attacks can injure the netherworm but he can't keep up with its fast regeneration, fire might be its weakness but he needs a hotter fire than he is using now!
He saw Song Xi not too far. He is just watching and not helping at all! "Tsk! Useless! Does he wants to act when this thing is weaken by me? Will he be that shameless!?. He can't help but think like that. He frown even more looking at the Netherworm trying to crawl near him! This disgusting worm! You wants to eat me?! Huh!", As he is trying to conjure a more powerful fire, a thudding sound can be heard from afar, like something big is running fast!
The ground is shaking and the sound is getting near them! Song Xi looks at the direction it's coming from. In between the burning woods, a huge shadow is walking towards them, it is much higher than the trees! The burning trees parted and a huge head appeared with a golden eyes staring at Song Xi with much fervor.
White fur covered its body . Its tail and ears tip has a white fire burning. Standing almost five hundred meters high and kilometers long. It is a great White wolf with a symbol on its forehead. Golden eyes bore on Song Xi with excitement.
"What the -! ," Xuan Tu can't help but exclaimed! This beasts definitely is much higher level than the worm he is fighting! Even the Netherworm stop his screeching noise and crawl back little by little, it is obviously intimidated by the wolf appearance.
Song Xi looks with fascination at the approaching wolf and can't help but think "what a cute dog, " then remember that it is not your everyday cute pet dog "damn! This world is making my perspective turn in 360° !, How can I call that cute? That huge mouth can easily eat me! Look at that canine! That can crush my bones with a crunch!.
The wolf dip its head to look at Song Xi more but stop and its nose move a little when it notice the disgusting smell around them. With a growl , it look at the noiseless netherworm. Its huge golden eyes full of fervor change to a dangerously mad gaze. The Netherworm stop its movement all together. It can recognize the fire burning in the wolf's body and it's dead afraid of it. That is the kind of fire it is most afraid of .
The wolf snorted ,disgusted to the slimy worm ,its tail sway with forced towards the Netherworm! The white fire in its tail grow and burn the Netherworm into a crisp! Easy and efficient!, With a proud snort, it turn its attention again to Song Xi, with tail wagging in excitement, eyes glistening in adoration, the huge wolf sit infront of him in a good behavior.
Song Xi can't help but twitch his lips when he saw the worm being barbeque to a crisp. Then look at the huge wolf infront of him
"This dog, just what do you want with me,?"


A long time ago, I read somewhere that an apple symbolizes temptation.
I thought one apple alone can't make you be tempted to stay with me.
So I make orchards of apples just for you to be tempted.
Again and again and again and again.....
- black box -

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