Chapter Twenty-Four: Last Chance

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"We'll be right behind you, on your signal... we'll go." Softly, Katara squeezed Aang's shoulder which at the current moment felt as hard as a rock. She knew that Aang's mind had to be racing right now, explaining the reasoning behind his tense posture. Everything they ever worked for was all coming down to one night. They would have to escape, all of them, or they would all go down together. In a sense, this would be their last stand against Ozai and his reign. As she thought about it more, the nerves that ran through Katara's body began to get the best of her, but before she could even allow for the nerves to fully overcome her, Ozai, Azula, and the combustion benders all came into view.

"Hurry up, we don't have all day," Ozai barked, motioning for Zuko and Katara to speed up Aang's walking. Reluctantly, both of them nudged Aang further, now fully accepting their fate, wherever it may lie.

"Are you ready for this, boy? Think about it, once you restore my ability, you, me, and my daughter will be able to rule the world as one cohesive unit! There won't be a single faction out there that'll be able to stop us! We'll be invincible!" Instinctively, Zuko growled under his breath as his father flexed his ego. Instantly, Azula looked towards Zuko peculiarly, causing Katara to clear her throat and bring Zuko back down to earth.

"Knock it off," Katara whispered through her helmet, low enough that only Zuko and Aang could hear her.

"Come, Avatar. The time is near, and I'd like for this to be a ceremonious moment. Guards, release your grip and watch in awe, as the Firelord, the Phoenix King, and the Avatar, all mend our wounds and become allies!" Initially, Aang was hesitant to approach the Phoenix King, but once Katara nudged him forward, he smiled to himself and proceeded down the path towards Ozai. This was it, this was what all of his work over the past year and a half had gotten him too. One fateful battle against unknowing opponents. Nervously, Aang began to scan the area, beginning to count the vast amount of combustion benders around them. Eventually, Aang had lost count as he stood in front of the kneeled Phoenix King. Cockily, the man in front of him opened his arms out and looked towards the sky, closing his eyes.

"Go on Avatar, gift me my bending back with your immense power." Aang chewed on his bottom lip in deep thought as he tried to figure how to initiate their attack. How would he be able to incapacitate Ozai while looking like he was giving him back his colors? They expected a light show, similar to when he first took Ozai's bending, so... he would give them a light show. Suddenly, Aang raised his thumb to Ozai's forehead and looked up towards the sky. Instantly, all of their surroundings lit up in a light blue. Instantaneously, the combustion benders, Azula, and the guards all looked up towards the sky as the brightness of Aang's light continued to grow brighter and brighter. Eventually, the light became so bright that it became blinding to the people around him. This would be his only chance at making it out alive and without giving in to Ozai. Viciously, Aang grabbed on to the back of Ozai's head and shot it down. As he was doing this, Aang brought his knee up with force, busting his knee against Ozai's face. Once he made contact, Ozai was knocked out cold, his body completely limp as he laid lifeless on the ground. Slowly, Aang looked up, and as the light dimmed and vanished, Azula looked towards her father and then at Aang.

"You rat! You'll pay for that!"
"No. He won't." Surprised, Azula looked from Aang to the two guards behind them. Her look of shock rapidly became a look of anger as Katara and Zuko took off their helmets, each of them smirking. Then, without warning, Aang blew a tornado of air towards Azula, sending her flying into the ocean of combustion benders behind her. Thanks to the distraction, each of the three benders sent a beam of their element towards the ocean of people, scattering them out farther across the courtyard. Brushing herself off, Azula frantically flipped her head up and stared daggers towards the three attackers. She then began to growl towards them angrily as she pushed an unconscious combustion bender off her.

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