Chapter Twenty-Two: One Last Time

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 "Aang, there's no possible way that you can go through with this! Think about all those that have risked their lives for this cause! Think about all the children that'll have to grow up without a mom or dad, and then they see their great and mighty Avatar buddying up with the psychos that put them in harm's way! Aang, you need to take a minute and actually think this through! Right now, you are thinking irrationally and it's going to tear this whole world apart if you go through with it!" Since Aang had surrendered to Azula and her demands, all of Team Avatar had been transported into separate rooms. However, this didn't last long as Katara had more than just a word to say with Aang and his decisions.

"You know, if they find you they won't be happy. Why don't you leave now, Katara? That way things can just go smoother and we can all enjoy a time of peace once again." Katara instinctively balled her fists and growled as her frustration began to overwhelm her.

"Why are you acting so stubborn!? Also, you plan on 'sitting next to them' as they retake the Fire Nation? What is that supposed to mean?!" Aang pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance before sighing gently to himself. Slowly, Aang began to turn towards Katara, however, he was instantly met with a stiff slap to the face. Aang then began to inhale and exhale slowly, attempting to calm both his breathing and his anger down. The last thing he needed right now was to get in a shouting match with Katara.

"I suppose I deserve that," Aang mumbled, rubbing his cheek. As he turned away from her, Katara sent another stiff slap towards the side of his face, audibly hearing him hiss as he reeled back from the contact.

"Katara! Come on!" Again, Katara slapped him firmly, her palm ricocheting off his cheek and scuffing the brim of his eye. This last slap finally snapped Aang's wits, and as she went to throw the fourth slap, he caught her wrist before it could make contact.

"Katara, you and I both know that I stopped deserving these slaps after the second one. Aang softly dropped her wrist and intertwined her fingers with his. Despite this attempt to calm her down, Katara wriggled her way out of his grip and shoved him away from her, her eyes still filled with anger and resentment.

"How could you do this!? Allow me to be selfish for a second and say, how could you do this... to me!? So while I get flown home, my tail tucked in between my legs in defeat, you just expect me to stand by and watch as you marry Azula, have kids with Azula, rule the Fire Nation with Azula! I guess you never knew me then, Aang, because I'm not going to sit idly by and watch as you tear down all of the progress we've made, limb from limb."

"Do you really think I haven't thought about this?! Do you honestly think that I would make such a rash decision with millions of lives on the line?! Maybe you never knew me, Katara! In case you weren't watching, we were completely surrounded, and both Suki and your brother got injured! Have you seen the state of them?! None of them can even walk right now! Now, will you please leave me alone!"
"No! I will not leave you alone!" Angrily, Katara marched up to Aang and stuck a finger out, poking him in the chest after she resumed her accusations.

"You are leaving me and Sokka, the two main people on this planet that stuck beside you through thick and thin, for a psychopath whose only wish is to see the world burn!" Aang rolled his eyes and looked off to the side but was instantly reprimanded for this action by Katara gripping his jaw and whipping his vision back towards hers.

"Aang! Look at me! You are giving up everything that you fought for, both for the world and for yourself. I love you Aang, I love you now and I've always loved you. The moment I saw you I knew that you were special and two days into knowing you I was already ready to leave my tribe and follow you around the globe! Which, by the way, I still do! I'll follow you all over the globe until we grow old together because I love you that much, Aang! Does that not mean anything? Does everything that we've gone through mean nothing to you?! Do the long nights of confiding with one another, while the others slept, mean nothing?!" Katara began to softly stroke the sides of his face as he clenched his jaw, keeping his eyes firmly towards the ground and away from Katara's eyes.

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