Chapter Five: Frustrated

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"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid," Katara yelled through repeated facepalms. Sokka crossed his hands and ran his tongue across the inside of his bottom lip, visibly annoyed with the situation at hand. Katara suspicions had been correct the previous night, but thanks to Sokka's unawareness, they went to bed thinking that there was no possible way they'd leave them behind. How wrong they were.

"Hey, at least they left us Appa. That means that Aang had to most likely fly for a few hours with a whole other person weighing him down. If I had to guess they didn't go far, and most likely resting right at this current moment." Unaware of the moment that Aang and Suki had left, it had actually been several hours since the two rebels left their friends behind, determined to save the world once again.

"I even said it! The moment I looked at Aang last night, I knew that look! That's the same look he gave me before he left for that stupid lion turtle!" Toph smiled slightly, even though they were two people short, she couldn't help herself but drink the current scene in humorously. No matter the circumstances, Toph always had a liking for watching the world burn, especially when it didn't affect her to such a degree.

"But no, of course, I didn't act on my instincts. Instead, I trusted my dimwitted brother who constantly gets attacked by the universe that surrounds him. Seriously, you have the worst luck out of everybody I know!" Offended, Sokka threw his hands up in protest as his sister stormed off towards the last location she had seen the two missing members.

"Why are you blaming me? When have you ever actually listened to my opinion? Especially for things like that!" Katara sighed exasperatedly, her irritation getting the better of her at the moment. Funny enough, Sokka was very true and honest with his assessment of how Katara had taken his advice and opinions in the past. Rarely had she ever actually used Sokka's advice or opinions during her judgment of a situation, especially whenever it came to Aang and his well being.

"Well, what now?"

"Now? We have to find them, are you nuts? Do you realize how much danger Aang and Suki are in?! For all we know, Azula already has them!" Katara continued to pace on the edge of the water as Sokka marched back towards Appa. As she felt Sokka's vibrations slowly trail further and further away from their location, Toph inched her way closer to Katara. As much as she was enjoying watching the two siblings go at it over their loved ones' actions, she knew that Sokka could take it, Katara... not so much. She didn't blame her though, her actions and emotions were well deserved and credited. After all, Katara did already hold Aang dead in her arms. He had stopped breathing, his heartbeat stopped. She had been the only one who had known that at the moment, and luckily, she never had to share it.

"Katara, after knowing Twinkles for over a full year I'd say I know him pretty well. He and Suki make a great pairing, you know, skillbase wise." Katara slowly turned her head towards Toph, visibly annoyed.

"I can feel that. You know what I meant, they'll be able to defend each other. Besides, I'm sure their decision was made with a clear head. Knowing Aang, I'm sure he's already located Zuko and is on his way back towards us." Luckily for Toph, she knew that Katara couldn't read heartbeats, otherwise, she'd clearly know that Toph was lying just to make her feel better. Truth be told, she had no idea if Aang was even physically capable to fly, especially with all the torture he had endured at the hands of Zhao. Due to her blindness, she never had to see the horrific sight, but based on the few times that she helped him stay still while Katara healed him, she could feel the broken fragments inside his torso. Whatever Zhao had done to her friend was brutal, brutal, and demonic.

"He probably can't even fly on his own, let alone while carrying someone else's body weight. If that's the case, they could've drowned!" Sighing, Toph placed a firm grip on Katara's shoulder, halting her constant pacing in its tracks.  Swiftly, she brought a spike of earth upward, knocking Katara to the ground.

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