Chapter Three: Gameplan

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"You're sure he is safe right?" Suki swallowed thickly as the thought of the Fire Nation now back in the hands of a dangerous criminal entered her head. The fact that Long Feng was able to overtake the capital and with such ease, he had to have found out secret information only known by the royal family, meaning Azula.

"As sure as I can be. It looked like his writing so I'm not worried about an imposter Zuko. I'm just worried that maybe the letter came late and we're flying into a death trap."

"Are you nuts, we aren't flying into the capital! Did you not read the note properly or was I hearing wrong? I'm pretty sure he said that he fled the capital!" Sokka turned towards Toph and sighed. Even though it had only been a couple of hours since they had received the letter, the amount of stress that weighed on them all began to take its toll on Sokka. The muscles within his neck and back twisted in multiple knots, causing the most ferocious of headaches to enter his head.

"You're right, you're right, I'm just not on my A-game I guess. Aang, any bright ideas as for what we should do?" Aang shook his head gently as he sucked the air around him between his teeth, causing a hissing sound to radiate across the saddle. From what Aang himself had read, he didn't recall Zuko giving them any location or coordinates as to where he was sheltered for the time being. Quite honestly, Aang didn't really feel that finding Zuko should be on the top of their list. The fact that the Fire Nation was under immediate danger was enough for Aang to want to counter-argue Toph's statement. Sure, they would be flying into a death trap, but based on some of the stories that Sokka and Katara told, he was sure that they had been here before.

"I'm sorry, but my opinion has already been ruled out apparently. This needs to be a team vote, but we need to figure this out now. We can't afford to just have Appa fly around until we have a plan. We need to act fast while also being calculated with our approach. My idea is to retake the capital, but knowing Azula, she must have something else up her sleeve. Long Feng is nothing more than a puppet in her twisted game. Even though he may feel that he is contributing on a massive scale, he seems to be nothing more than a bit player in all of this. Truth be told, we may have to split up for this one. Something tells me that Azula is wanting us to go to the capital, meaning that she is probably elsewhere."

"Oh no, no, no, no, no. We are not splitting up! For the love of spirits Aang, you aren't even healed yet, look at the state of yourself! Besides, I'm getting quite annoyed with your constant plan to split us up! We work better as a team and we're able to cover all of our tracks in the process. The past times that we've split up someone always ends up getting captured, or almost killed or some other tragic event happens. Can we just stay together for once, please?" Aang couldn't help but smile internally. Based on Katara's response, it sounded like the coast was still clear when it came to the haziness of his memories. None of them had suspected a thing thus far as he was using basic common sense to answer all of their questions. Despite that, Aang still remained determined to figure out his past. However, with the imminent threat taking center stage, he would have to put that on the back burner for the time being.

"I'm just throwing out a suggestion, Katara. As I said, this should be a team vote, and I don't want to go forward with anything unless all of us are on board with the idea." The group all agreed mutually with simple head nods before waiting for the next person to express their own opinion.

"Look, we all know how Aang, Katara, and Toph feel, and I'm just too overwhelmed to think of anything, so I guess it's up to you Suki. Do you have any ideas on what we should do?" As a matter of fact, Suki did have a plan that would be able to cover all concerns from the previous vocalized opinions.

"Actually, I do have a plan. I'm in constant contact with the Kyoshi Warriors that were set to protect Zuko at all times. I only got a letter a few days ago and everything seemed to be as ordinary as possible. If I were us, I'd make sure that they are still with Zuko and that he truly is safe. After that, we'll be able to call upon other Kyoshi Warriors that are still on the island and they'll be able to do reconnaissance as well as keep the public safe. We all know Azula, she wants the Fire Nation to reign supreme so none of the public should be in immediate danger. Otherwise, we need to locate Azula's location. She is the most dangerous threat that this world is dealing with and the quicker we can dispatch her, the better." After running out of options, they all agreed that this would be the best course of action and set off quickly by writing a letter to the Kyoshi Warriors and sending Hawky on his way. After doing so, the group collectively decided that flying aimlessly throughout the night would get them nowhere. With this in mind, the group set off for a nearby uninhabited island, hoping that it would allow for them to rest their weary eyes for the night.

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