Chapter Twenty: Enough is Enough

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The room was pitch black and cold. Aang's ears perked up as small droplets of water dripped from the ceiling down to the floor, radiating the room with the sound of the water landing into a small pool on the floor. Aang went to move his left wrist towards his face but instantly found that it was constructed in metal shackles to an iron ring that was planted deep into the wall. Sighing, Aang shook his head and began to chuckle to himself.

"Why am I surprised? I solve one issue and get drowned instantly into another one." Breaking his verbal frustration, Aang rose his head towards the door as a familiar figure walked gracefully towards him, giggling gleefully as she neared him.

"It's funny, I always felt that it was difficult to capture you. How wrong I was, eh Avatar?" Aang began to growl deeply as she fiddled with his ear, sliding her sharp nail gently across the helix of his ear.

"Oh stop flirting, Avatar. I'm sure that water tribe peasant used to do this, no?" Azula continued her soft strokes on Aang's ear, running the nail down the helix towards the lobe, pinching it softly as she met its end between her fingers. Afterward, she trailed the back of her nails lightly up down his jawline and stopped once she reached the point of his chin. Aang attempted to resist her advancements but Azula remained firmly gripping him. Then, with one quick flinch, Azula pressed her lips gently onto Aang's causing Aang to squirm around mercilessly as she continued to work her lips over his own.

"Why do you keep doing that?!" Aang began to spit his saliva out of his mouth as he frantically moved his arms, attempting to get out of his shackles. Shyly, Azula looked down and smiled to herself.

"You know, being the only princess for the Fire Nation doesn't allow me to seek a romantic life. If anything, I'm constantly taking down all those that oppose me, like your friends for example."

"What have you done to them!? Where is Katara!?" Azula quickly peered into his angry eyes, her devilish smirk still plastered across her lips.

"They're fine. I haven't even laid a finger on them."

"I don't believe you!" Scoffing, Azula crossed her arms in mock frustration.

"You, don't believe me!? After everything that we've been through together the least I would expect is some common trust? I guess not even the Avatar is trustworthy. No matter, that's not the reason I brought you here for." Biting his bottom lip, Aang growled again, staring daggers into Azula's figure.

"Just wait until I get out of these chains, then... you'll regret ever messing with me!"

"Foolish Avatar, do you honestly think I want to put you in these chains?" Instantly, Aang's eyes softened as the question threw him off guard.

"The only reason I put you in these things is so that you don't escape. See, my father wants you for multiple reasons, getting his bending back and to rid the world of his greatest enemy, just to name a few. But for me, I find more... personal reasons to capture you." Instantly, an overwhelming sickness stemmed deep in Aang's stomach, causing the muscles around to twist and contort, allowing fierce pain to shoot through his abdomen.

"I mean, think of the possibilities if we were to create an offspring? They would be the most powerful bender of all time! Besides, who else would suit the role of ruling the world with me? The Avatar, the most powerful being in all humanity, side by side with the best firebender ever to grace the lands of the Fire Nation. Together, our reign would be legendary!"

"Why would I ever do that!? Why would I ever join you!? Why would I ever... EVER, create an offspring with you." Coyly, Azula looked up towards Aang, her eyes signifying a grand scheme in the works.

"Aren't you tired of running? Tired of constantly fearing for your life? Think, if you actually wanted your friends to have a peaceful life, you'd take the easiest, quickest option... right? I'm sure if my father knew about a romantic relationship between us two, he'd be more than willing to spare your life."

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