Chapter Seventeen: The Morning Before

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Rapidly, Sokka and his friends raced throughout the tribe's grounds, looking in every nook and cranny for any sign of Chief Arnook and his men. Fortunately for them, Zuko caught a glimpse of a Water Tribe warrior sprinting through an alleyway, a telltale sign that Chief Arnook and his men were in that direction.

"This way, come on," Zuko yelled, motioning for his friends to tail behind him. Running out of options, the rest of the team followed him, their minds racing with the possible outcomes of the day. Would they be able to stand their ground? Would they be able to defeat Azula? Would they lose a part of their family today? Emotions getting the better of her, Katara raced ahead, passing Zuko with ease. Once she passed him, Zuko's hunch proved to be correct as they basically bombarded into the back of a poor Water Tribe warrior.

"Watch it," the warrior screamed as he pointed his spear towards them.

"Ease up, soldier! These people are guests of our tribe and will be fighting alongside us. I suggest you put your spear down before they put your spear through you." Embarrassed, the young warrior dropped his spear and turned back to his battalion, making sure to keep his eyesight away from both Arnook's and Team Avatar's. Shaking his head, Arnook brought his hand behind Katara's back and motioned for her to go forward into a nearby tent. Shrugging their shoulders, the rest of Katara's friends followed behind Katara and Arnook, each of them exchanging curious glances with one another. Once inside, the four behind Katara stood in awe at the fancy skins that graced the chief's war tent. However, this moment of pure awestruck came tumbling down once a familiar voice filled Sokka's ears.

"Look what the cat dragged in, another wannabe soldier that didn't get enough pleasure in taking credit for saving the world. What'd you do, ride on the coattails of your bending friends as they carried you through battle after battle?" Instantly, Sokka's face turned beet red as a mixture of anger and embarrassment rose in his cheeks.

"You watch your mouth, Hahn! I've fought tougher adversaries in one night than you have in your entire career. Know your place!"

"That's enough, both of you! Remember who the enemy is. The moment we start fighting internally, they've already won! Now come here, we are going to go over where we are sending our troops before we set out!" Subsiding their anger, both Hahn and Sokka looked towards Chief Arnook attentively.

"Too bad you couldn't protect Yue."

"That's it!" Swiftly, Sokka started to lay bombs into Hahn's face, hitting him with a mixture of jabs, crosses, hooks, and uppercuts."

"Enough!" Angrily, Katara froze the two warriors where they stood. Once they were frozen solid, Katara walked in between them and slapped both of them across the face.

"You, stop listening to him! You've never liked each other, and it's going to stay that way! And you," she shouted, pointing his finger into Hahn's face.

"Don't you dare put Yue's death on my brother or I swear you'll regret it! Trust me, I've already taken down our enemy once, and I'll do the same to you as I did to them."
"Clearly didn't work if she's coming this way," Hahn muttered, spitting in Katara's face. Eyes wide, Katara snapped her head back towards him, grabbing him by the collar.

"That's enough Hahn! You have no right to place the blame of my daughter on their hands! Especially when you know the story of that night! Katara, release him." Reluctantly, Katara released the cocky warrior, allowing him to regain his movement. Wiping the blood off his lip, Hahn smirked devilishly towards Sokka before mouthing the words, "you killed her". Gritting his teeth, Sokka turned around quickly so as to not make a bigger scene, however, Toph made sure to jab a rock into the side of Hahn when Arnook wasn't looking. Shaking his head, Arnook exited the tent, calling for each of the people inside to follow him out. Once they all stood to the side of Arnook, he began to deliver his speech to his warriors.

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