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Two Months Later...

Certain things have been difficult. After I finally decided to stop being a fuck nigga and forgive Zendaya, we grew even closer, which I felt was okay now that me and Geneva are officially and completely over. I mean, so over that there will never even be any chance of us miraculously getting back together. Now I have just been focusing on me, my family, my education and of course getting Zendaya to get on board with the fact that me and her need to stop playing games and just make it official. I like her, she likes me. What's the problem?

Oh yeah, the problem is Trevor fucking Jackson.

I honestly don't know why in the hell is still trying so hard. Zendaya claims she's feeling guilty knowing how he feels about her, so she doesn't just want to jump into a relationship with me. And Trevor, he just loves to push my buttons. He apparently hates my guts now. I haven't said a fucking word to the nigga, other than the day he confronted me in school about Zendaya.

Oh, that day I really wanted to beat that nigga's ass...


I open my phone and smiled at the text that Zendaya sent me:

   Zendaya: 'Jahseh, I know you were probably in my room this morning saying bye to my sleeping body, but I just wanted to say bye to you when I was awake. So bye! 😘✌🏽

She is too fucking cute.

I chuckle and put my phone back in my pocket and turn around, only to see Trevor across the hall from me, watching me 'secretly' so he thinks. I roll my eyes and start walking, then stop as soon as Trevor's voice shouts my name. I smirk and turn around.

"Bout time nigga. You know, I was starting to get tired of you silently watching me." I laugh and wait for him to meet me halfway. We stand across from each other, him a few inches taller than me. His usually happy face is now turned into an annoyed expression.

"You and Zendaya a thing now?" He crosses his arms and I laugh.

"So that's what this is about-"

"I have a feeling it's always been about this." He cuts me off and I smirk.

"I have a feeling you're right."

"Well, I'm obviously confused. I remember you not giving two fucks about her." He raised a brow and I shrug.

"I remember that was when I had a girlfriend who didn't make me sick just to look at her."

"So you saying you felt sick looking at Zendaya?" He smiles deviously, knowing good and fucking well what I mean.

"You fuck nigga. You know that's not what I mean. What the fuck is this really about, Trevor? Is it about the fact that you've told Zendaya you love her, but she can't even feel the same for you out of pity?" I cross my arms and he uncrosses his, pointing a hard finger at me.

"She does, I can tell. You're just in the fucking way so she can't feel it." He urges, but it looks like and sounds like he's trying to convince himself more than me. I roll my eyes and wave him off.

"Aight, I'm done with this conversation. You know your place with her, and I know mine." I turn around, without waiting for him to respond. I could give zero fucks what Trevor thinks he knows about Zendaya.

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