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I sit and stare absentmindedly out the window and at the passing scenery. Trevor is such a sweetheart really, but I'm still curious as to why he's so nice to me? I'm not very normal. In fact, I'm 17 and pregnant and my mind is mentally fucked up. Not to mention that my mom is unstable.

That's far from normal if you ask me or anybody.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair since I straightened it today, earning a groan from Trevor.

"Zendaya, what's wrong? Seems like something is bothering you." His voice seems concerned and I turn around to face him, smiling softly.

"I'm sorry... I'm just not a very fun person to be around." I admit it unashamedly.

That's how I am and I've agreed to accept it.

"Well, I guess we'll have to change that, won't we?" He gives me a sideways smile and I shrug, not really seeing how he could change that, but I guess we'll see...



I shove my hands in my pockets and patiently wait for someone to answer the door. Preferably Geneva, because I know she's here and most likely the only one, but that's how it always is. I snap my head up as her door cracks open, and she looks at me with wide and panicked eyes.

"J-Jah? What are you doing here?" She looks like she's exhausted or more like drained. She's wearing one of my old shirts with night shorts. I frowned at her.

"I came over to spend some time with you, but if you're tired, I can come back later." I turn a little eager to leave now, but she smiled softly.

"No, no... it's okay. I'm glad you came over. I've been thinking about you." Biting her lip, she leans on the door frame, eyeing me intensely. I sigh quietly and rock back on my heels.

"Yeah um... you mind if I come in and we can talk?" I raise a brow and she looks nervous, but she nods.

"Yeah, sure-"

"But no arguing Geneva, cause I'll leave as quick as I came." I narrow my eyes and her face goes pale as she nods again.

"Come in..." She steps aside and gives me barely enough space to squeeze past her. I rub against her and she throws me her signature flirty smirk.

"Watch it, Neva." I say playfully and she giggles while shutting the front door.

"No, you watch it, Jah. You're always getting us in trouble." Her giggle sounds lively, but her eyes look dull, almost lifeless.

"Hey, what's wrong, Geneva? You seem... off." I walk towards her and she shrugs.

"Nothing, baby. Stop worrying-"

"Stop lying." I fire back. She looks scared for half a second then she grins.

"Let's go to my room." She replies softly. I grab her hand, leading the way. We get there and it looks weird. My eyes rake the place and land on a pharmacy bag.

"What's that?" I walk over to it and Geneva snatched it up so quickly, hiding it behind her back.

"Nothing... stop snooping." She tried to sound teasing, but fails miserably. I narrow my eyes.

"I wasn't even snooping, it was out for the world to see. What's it for?" I peer around her and quickly snatched it from her as she shrieks.

"Jah, stop!" She reached out, but it's useless as I'm already reading the label from the bottle.

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